Alright, one nitpick I have so far. This [quote=@Katakon] he has a hard time talking to new people [/quote] is exactly why this rule [quote] [list] [*]No lonewolf characters will be accepted. This is a roleplay, you’re meant to [i]interact[/i] with other characters, people. If you want to write alone, go make a fanfic. [/list] [/quote] is in place. All too many times I've seen characters whose conversations went along the lines of "Hi." "..." "..." Nope. This never ends well. I suppose I could allow it if he gets over it quickly or at least only has that condition with humans but will be fine with the digimon (All of them, not just his own, mind you). But it would be swell if it wasn't there altogether O:-) Other than that looks fine so far.