[h2] Graguth [/h2] [b]"Thank you for agreeing, and I apologize for trespassing."[/b] Graguth said as he raised his head. Moving the bodies closer to Scolopendra, [b]"I look forward to fighting beside you one day, but for now I have more counsil business to deal with."[/b] Stretching out his wings and moving away from the new ally, [b]"farewell,"[/b] he called as he took off towards the east. The Council had also given him orders to look for another multi-headed dragon close to the middle sea. They did not tell him of the dragon's location, but they said to look for an unnatural mist. It's rumored that the dragon is another necromancer. Events like these are making many question the views of the Council, but Graguth cared little for such words. Everyone good of heart, no matter level of corruption, should be given a chance. A gust hit Graguth's face as he began to fly lower. In the distance seemed to be a growing glob of a coming storm. Unbothered by this he continued to look at the islands below him. One in particular had mist flowing around it. Flying closer he began to notice the outline of a dragon. Hopefully this was the one he was looking for. He thought before calling below, [b]"hello down there, may I have permission to land?"[/b] [h2] Drumagth [/h2] The meeting had begun to bore the black dragon. The current topic was a small border dispute with a few of the smaller kingdoms. With an annoyed sigh, [b]"Split the land into equal pieces, if you have a problem with the how the land was given, then wage a war for it."[/b] Then clearing his throat, [b]"If I may bring up a more pressing matter.[/b] he paused for a moment, allowing anyone a chance to raise their voice. [b]"there is still the matter of the portal in the north. As you all know we, or most of us, are not like our forfathers. We are not slaves to our corruption. We still hold our own lives."[/b] There was a few nods and calls of agreement as Drumagth paused,[b]" but this portal gives the old wees a chance to take hold of us again. I for one enjoy not being controlled by a bush in another world."[/b] he paused again to see the Order's reaction. Many raised their voices in agreement. Standing now,[b]"and way should we allow it the chance. At this time we almost stand with the eastern council. Let us use this pointless peace to our advantage, and march on the shadow lands. To destroy that pathetic weed, for I shall be no mear plants puppet.[/b] he continued to stand for a moment, emotion flowing through him after those words. The hall was filled with the roars of agreement. Though formalities still had to be done. A vote was held, and plans were made. The order would march, but not yet. For now everyone must deal with their own matters, and Drumagth had many to deal with. As he and his followers left the shrine an undead bowed before him,[b]"My lord, Smaug and Bezya fought in the south. It would seem that Smaug has killed him."[/b] Drumagth nodded then turned to his followers, [b]"Besimious, Kragon, return home and tell the necromancers to send out the messagers. Dirath, Gramonlon, we're about to kill two birds with one stone.[/b] he laughed as he took off towards the south. Bigray instantly following as the other two tired to keep up. The four flew to the lands controlled by the two dragons. The Order had guessed that this fight would happen, but some figured that the outcome would be different. Drumagth was happy with this outcome. This way he could have an ally and a gift to a friend. Finding the crash sight was easy enough, now lets hope things go as planned. As he landed, [b]" I wish to congratulate you on your victory. Would you mind if my apprentice student heals?"[/b] asked motioning towards Dirath. Meanwhile at the Tomb of Horrors several undead messengers were sent out. Some to potential allies, some to those who Have debts to pay, and one to the Elder Council. To ask for their help in this war.