"Running away, huh?" John whispered to himself. "What did you say?" One of the paramedics said. John didn't answer. When the ambulance stopped to a red light, John detached the needle off of his arm, got up from the ambulance emergency bed and attempted to jump through the ambulance doors... [i](You don't have a skill for that. Rolled 19. Needs 85-100 to succeed)[/i] John jumps out of the ambulance, opening the ambulance's back doors forcefully, hearing a faint "What the fuck?!" scream from behind him. Unfortunately, blasting through the doors slowed down his speed, and he landed roughly on the aspelt, almost hitting his head on a car behind the ambulance. His arm began to bleed due to him removing the intravenous therapy needle, and some small scars appeared on his face due to the fall. His legs aren't broken, but he has trouble running, or, hell, walking. After getting up, John began to run away from the ambulance, or should I say, limp away - while the ambulance stops next to the sidewalk, and its staff runs towards John, while the driver, Greg, seems to call someone from inside the ambulance. [i](You failed a roll, next's turn voice)[/i]