[h2][color=ed1c24]\m/ Evelyn[/color] - The [s]Four[/s] Three Horsemen[/h2] Well she already knew this was a weird ass school from the start, being she fit in just about as well as the rest of this eclectic circus of the damned, albeit it being quite a shock to find a regular person for once....but then again, appearance is the Devil's ruse so they say. Zac looked virtually normal, but for all Ev could tell he could be the love child of Cthulhu and Doro Pesch...as badass as that sounded. But even so, Evelyn wasn't much prepared to run into some....whateverthefuckhewas...parading around the school looking like Sid Wilson, though once again badass. Maybe Ev should pull out her Jim Root mask...well...if she had one. While she was stuck eyeballing this new guy, named Dexter, which happened to be a [url=http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/11113/111136107/3993372-8788862310-dexte.jpg]fave[/url] of Ev's, she heard Zac asking if she knew of a particular song, then hearing his amp flip on and him silently picking Hetfield's part. Greatest thing about Metallica, even their ballads were kickass and ablazen with the fury of thrash. Once those all to familiar notes hit her ears, it carved a grin across Ev's face as she wielded her war axe Vaermina once more, cranking the volume back up and breaking into Hammet's ghostly, mournful intro to quite possibly one of Ev's favorite songs off Ride the Lightning, next to the title track and Trapped Under....actually the whole fucking album was sick! Plus this was sick! She found another musician, and possibly one more if this Dex kid knew how to play. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [h2][color=ed145b]Rebecca <3[/color] - Tempt Not the Temptress <3[/h2] [color=ed145b][i]Oh my... <3[/i][/color] Twas all that resonated throughout her mind plagued by many a libidinous, lascivious pondering. All of these beautiful darlings gathering for what would seem an innocent night of viewing movies, when in fact it was just such a tantalizing visual to the woman feeling flustered, quite hot under the collar as they say, imagining all of these lovely girls surrounding her, each gazing upon her with eyes hungry with a nearly insatiable appetite only her cherished [i]possessions[/i] could quell, ah and willingly she would give it all away to her beloveds just as they submitted to her deepest, yearning desires for them, her heart calling out to them in a siren's song swelling with an intense, burning passion to partake of their immoral, decadent delights....heavens this heat must be getting to her something fierce. Her cheeks, once pale and smooth porcelain, they now glowed with the radiance of embers and the warmness to boot, tiny beads of sweat sliding down her brow which she dabbed away with a scarlet handkerchief pulled from the hem of her dress. [i][color=ed145b]Yes...yes! The gods have indeed answered my most frequent and desperate of prayers! So many of them, why...I just don't know where to start honestly! Ah, but patience dear Rebecca. Good things certainly come to those who await them with eagerness. <3 But to await...how long must I?[/color][/i] Though swooning with sapphic rapture on the inside, outside the refined woman made sure to keep her posh and demure composure, yet betrayed by the warmth of her face and the intense dazzling of her soft, gloating eyes. [color=ed145b]~"Oh dear me, fair Constance!"~[/color] Rebecca giggled charmingly, her eyes glancing about to all these darling young ladies crowding about them. [color=ed145b]~"You've certainly become quite the popular one, haven't you? A testament to your charm I'm sure. So anytime you say dear? Wonderful. I shall arrive as early as possib-......"~ <3[/color] But then....[color=003471]she[/color] came along, and upon sight of her ravishing beauty, her succulent, goddesslike figure so immodestly presented, so...so impeccably displayed before the woman's eyes widening with such overtaking astonishment and rapturous desires that....immediately....the woman swooned with a lustful exhale of air.....and fainted...