[color=0054a6][h1]Gwen[/h1] [/color] She reluctantly grabbed the shirt, [color=0054a6][b]"I'm not sure if I should wear that or anything but whatever, I might as well do so. Thanks."[/b][/color] I always have problems with borrowing clothes from other people but it's not like I have a choice. [color=0054a6][b]"Ehh... I rather stay like this."[/b][/color] I give a quick trolling glare that should give a cool breeze in the atmosphere and wear the shirt, it is getting hot in here. [color=0054a6][b]"Thank you for the shirt, Movie Master. And Yuri is Russian, it can be Japanese or a mixed cuisine. Feels like Genghis Khan and all that, by the way it is that type of movie. Mafia and all that."[/b][/color] Now I just start spouting nonsense. I get closer to Movie Master and whisper,[color=0054a6] [b]"Girl meets girl.[/b][/color] Then I saw a lady who is in a state of collapse~ as I looked around me.[color=0054a6] [b]"Ms. Passed out to earth.... Ms. Passed Out to earth... I repeat... wake up.... wake up... there's a young girl with cold hands poking your face and hates to do mouth to mouth.... I am not giving you mouth to mouth. Can you guys help?"[/b][/color] I asked. [color=0054a6][b]"Hmm....judging from my calculations. People faint when they call it. What is seen cannot be unseen. So by logic, I might as well strip more, right guys?"[/b][/color] I was kidding on the last part. I'm staring at everyone with my blue eyes, and the moist of cold steam coming out from my body.