[quote=@Xtreme] Honestly, I thought giving everyone their own independent episode would help build excitement and help people feel that sense of ownership of rp and character. Sadly I think this rp just started at an inopportune time that meant their are periods of "dead air" so to speak where people cannot post and that's left people feeling like they can't post unless there's a big story impact to it. The intention for me at least was always for this to be character rather than story driven. I don't want this to end so I think adjusting our approach as Ruby said is the best way to move forward. I've always been a flexible GM and I know Ruby has too, we're more than happy to roll with something that someone else does. I just hope we haven't come across as anything different [/quote] Maybe a storyline that each player can really have some fun with? Something they feel comfortable enough creating for, instead of simply reacting to GM posts. Maybe...a Night of Owls?