[u][b]Lord Theo Connington, The Lord of Griffin's Roost[/b][/u] As Theo walked into the dining hall, for breakfast, were all the Stormland Lords had gathered. He seemed to notice that the Lords had split into two groups, the first group followed the Baratheon’s and the others followed the Conningtons. Since the War of the Five Kings ended the Baratheon’s had started to loose influence over the Stormlands and the power slowly started to build up for Theo and his family. Theo took a look around and then sauntered over to the table where his brother and captain sat eating, he took a seat next to his brother and slapped him on the shoulder, “Ready for your first ever tourney today little brother.” Jon looked up from the table with his mouth filled with all sorts of food barked, “Not even sweating, will be a piece of cake.” Food flying out of his mouth and landing all over the table. “Gods Jon finish your food before you speak, I swear you have the manners of a pig.” Jamie Storm, the bastard of Evenfall Hall told Jon shaking his head. Theo started to chuckle as people overheard the conversation and started to laugh among themselves at Jon. The boy’s face went as red as his hair. Taking a big gulp of wine from a flagon next to him, washing down the food he quietly replied, “You don’t have to announce it to the room.” Shrinking into his seat. “And yes I’m ready, I think I’ll do rather well to be honest, I only had five drinks last night so my heads not pounding as much as it could of.” Theo sighed at him. “Yes you’re the regular God of restraint Jon, how did you ever manage to drink so little?” He stared at his brother for a second as he carried on to eat and then continued, “And don’t eat too much as well, you don’t want to end up throwing up if you get hit in the belly today, you’ll never get that smell out of your helmet.” Jon trying to bargain with his brother said, “Just let me finish this loaf please.” “Jon that’s your third loaf!” Jamie looked at him in shock. “Alright come on Jon lets go or Jamie can drag you kicking and screaming but I don’t think all of these beautiful woman here will find that very manly of you.” Theo stood back up grabbing a glass of wine and walked to the end of the table. His brother and captain walking behind, knowing his brother would not start complaining. As he reached the end he announced to everyone in the room, “Lords and Ladies I’m off to get ready for the tourney now. We will all have a drink together tonight when the tourney as finished. Anyone who is competing today good luck and let the warrior bring you courage.” He smiled and lifted his glass into the air then took a sip, everyone did the same, with a few shouting good luck. “I’ll see you all tonight.” After this he turned around and headed for the door to get ready.