It was all that Kaghad could do to keep himself from tearing up as soon as he had a mouthful of boar, unfazed by the heat. To be sure, the roast beast wasn't seasoned--just simple, juicy meat. The dwarf loved it, however. For him, it helped solidify the idea of adventure. Here he was, in the wild with other adventurers, away from the well-loved but stuffy heat and clamor of his forge, with a full belly and a quest! He wolfed down his portion of the boar, ruminating on both the meat and the tale spun by Laurena. When he had finished his meal, he pulled out some scrap metal from a pouch and put it into the roaring Portable Forge to melt, where he would recast it into bars on the spot for easier future use in crafting or mending. It was fairly routine work, but it allowed him to think, and after a few moments he spoke up. "Magic en't motch a concern 'mong dwarves, but ya can't live 's long 's I 'ave an' not peck op a few tengs aboot et. If ole 'Aldric's not some min'less zombie, then 'e's been usin' those dark magics ta sustain 'is life. I don't 'spect e's immortal, jus' tryin' ta slow down the whole rottin' process. That sorta stoff needs artifac's, talismans. If we loot or bust 'is stoff, then 'is body should rot." Kaghad shrugged. "'Least, that's if thess whole teng en't some fairy tale made ta keep kids from stayin' op too late."