[h2]Tsim[/h2] With a titanic yawn Tsim awoke from his nap and began to stretch, the sound of popping bones like two boulders crashing together. With a satisfied grin Tsim gazed up at the sun and judging from its current location found that he had been asleep for at least two hours, the perfect length. Sure he could have slept for longer, much longer, but Tsim wasn't one for sloth and found himself uncomfortable just laying around unlike some dragons. After a small snack and a trip to the oasis, Tsim returned to his home and began to get back to work. Recently he had came under possession of several relics, a necklace made of luminescent jewels and mythril, a dwarven crown detailing a great and ancient battle, and finally a human sword humble in appearance but mighty in deed. Using a combination of claw and heat Tsim dug small holes into the rock to form displays, adding a rune of protection above them should anyone try to steal the relics. It was busy work, taking a sculptors skill to get the holes just right but it made for challenging fun. Soon after placing the sword in its place a low bell toll sounded throughout his home, a stranger was at the mouth. With some haste Tsim found himself surprised to see an undead upon horse in a similar condition. The runes prevented its entry and thus it stood there waiting. Tsim was never overly fond of necromancy, considering it a "dirty magic" but contrary to popular belief it wasn't evil at its core and it was just another form of magic. It never made him feel good however. With a rasp, the creature said [i]"Lord Drumagth wishes to have an audiance with you, Librarian."[/i] lacking any form of life in its voice. Tsim took a moment to think about the words the herald spoke of. He hadn't heard from Drumagth in years, not since that dreadful corruption business. However if he wanted to talk than he most likely either wanted or needed something. Interesting. Gazing down at the undead, Tsim said "Tell your master he is welcome to drop by anytime he wishes, dreadfully sorry but I cannot leave my holding for the foreseeable future as I have some important work to do." With that the creature left, leaving something sour in the air that stuck itself to Tsim like a parasite. Trouble was on the horizon and it looked like he was going to be in the middle of the storm when it comes.