The seas were calm, but then they always were in Neverland. There was some rain and the occassional storm, but more often than not blue, sunny skies and clear sea were all that could be beheld. On board Plunder's Compass, known as The Compass to most, First Mate Louis Dawkins surveyed the scene. Just because it was calm did not mean they were free from a dangerous attack. Between those of the creatures that called themselves Mermaids (flesh eating creatures with the upper body of a woman and the tail of a fish), a strange ticking noise that seemed to warn of a crocodile far bigger than any before seen, and Lost Boys, there was no time to stand idle and allow the crew to become complacent. They, like other ships. had lost men to these and other dangers, but that was the price of being a pirate. Dawkins called to the crew by name, sounding off their task or their watch to ensure that all were at their job or else keeping an eye. It would not do well for another man to be lost. He approached the Captain's quarters, knocking and waiting before entering. "Approach, Dawkins," said the voice of his commander inside, and her entered with a smile. Captain Glynn sat at his large oak desk, a map spread upon it and a bottle in hand. "This map is looking good," commented the Captain with pleasure as he poured his first mate a drink. "Very detailed." Dawkins nodded, taking the drink and smiling at Glynn as he raised it before taking a drink. "Captain," Dawkins said, "we're...." Glynn waved a hand. "I know, I know," Glynn said without passion. "Last 4 barrels and 3 bottles." He raised the bottle he had poured from to eye the contents, poured it all into a glass and drank it. "Make that 2 bottles," he said with a smile. "We need to do something soon. How are the crew?" "Watching the water, land and skies, sir," said Dawkins, savouring his drink by taking small sips. "Well, I think we need to contact the other ships and invite the Captain's to an accord," said Glynn. "We need to discuss the circumstances we are against." Dawkins said nothing, not even when Glynn pulled out several sealed letter. "Choose crew members to deliver them to each ship," said Glynn. "We will see who comes...." Letters were dispatched to each of the Pirate ships, with the following message. [i]My dear (Captain's name) I, Captain Ferdinand Glynn, do hereby cordially invite you to a gathering on board the Plunder's Compass tomorrow eve to discuss our current concern regarding our futures here. I would appreciate either you, or an envoy of your choosing, join myself for a banquet, drink and lively discussion. We shall begin promptly at 7.30, therefore I ask that you be on the ship by no later than 7pm. My crew will meet with yourself, or your chosen representative, and assist them aboard. Please carry with you this letter to provide proof of your invitation. Cordially yours, Captain F. Glynn[/i] Glynn smiled, as the men prepared a meal on deck that would have been more suited for a gentleman's dinner, rather than a pirate banquet, but Glynn was happy with it all. Soon his guests would arrive. He went to his quarters to dress, leaving Dawkins and his crew to prepare and await his guests.