[b][u]Lord John Stark of Winterfell[/u][/b] John stood, grinning at Daeron. The king had been dressed in an appropriate manner for the tourney, though it had taken some time. He had to convince Daeron that he couldn't participate, a fact that the king loathed. "What's the fun in being king if I can't join a god damned tourney," the young dragon had said. John then told him that being king wasn't fun, and that he should just put on his clothes. With Daeron ready, John marched him out the door, towards the tourney which was to begin soon. "Thank you Cullen for watching that door he said. I'll be seeing you at the tourney," the young lord said to his faithful vassal. As he and the king strode through the courtyard and towards the grounds, John finally felt that he might have a shot at this Hand business. The two took their seats at the top of the bleachers. While Daeron commented on who would be competing today, John was paying more attention to who was here. His mother had always told him that every Stark before him had trusted to much and looked too little. He was determined not to do that. He looked out over the crowd, looking for anyone who he thought was suspicious. He failed to realize that the vipers in King's Landing were far harder to spot. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b][u]Lady Gemma Baraetheon of Storm's End[/u][/b] Gemma had finished her walk through the palace and was soon found by her handmaiden, Jeyne. "The tourney is about to begin m'lady," said the girl. Jeyne was young, 17 at most, and very pretty, a trait rarely found in those of lesser blood. Gemma had met Jeyne during the last civil war in the Stormlands, a silly dispute in which a group of mercenaries rallied some lesser lords and attempted to take power from her family. Gemma had been wounded in a battle and been carried to a nearby farm by her men. There, Jeyne and her family had restored her to full health. As a gesture of thanks, Gemma had taken the girl in. As Gemma and Jeyne walked with the crowd, Gemma's blue dress flowing behind her, Gemma thought about the events of last night. The Freys and the Lannisters both wanted the king gone. She wanted her house restored to it's former glory. They had a common enemy, yet they had no right to wage war. Finding enemies of the king would be hard, at least enemies with any power. But the Martells may yet to be persuaded. She and Jeyne took their seats as the tourney began to start.