In bird form, Evan came flying over to the building and landed in front of the entrance before shifting back to human form. He opened the door before walking down the hallway. He looked at the clock on the wall. [i]Seems I'm a bit late.[/i] He shifted to a falcon once again and flew off in the direction of the art room. After a bit, he found the room before flying in and landing behind the desk. He then shifted to human form. "Sorry to keep you all waiting, lost track of time." After he got that out of the way, he looked at the three students(Arin, Price and Juno) in here. "Anyway, my name is Mr. Karu and I'll be your art teacher this year." He said. Arin sat up at the sound of someone speaking and saw the art teacher had finally arrived. Juno had been talking with his vampire friend. However, their conversation was cut short as another voice filled the room. He turned to face the front to see the art teacher standing before them. Price turned his attention to the front of the room as well. _________________________________________________________ Joey looked to see if there was anyone to talk to in here. He saw one person, but she appeared to be asleep(Fiera[sp?]).