[hider= Huo Vesta ][img]http://data3.whicdn.com/images/58677303/large.jpg[/img] [b][u]Name:[/u][/b] Huo Vesta [b][u]Age:[/u][/b] 19 [u][b]Gender: [/b][/u] Female [b][u]Height; Weight:[/u][/b] 5' 4, 120 lbs. [b][u]Years in Blackwing:[/u][/b] 2 [u][b]Apartment Number:[/b][/u] 3A [u][b]Room Description:[/b][/u] Huo's bedroom is relatively tidy. Along the walls, however, she has piles of books. She keeps all of her clothes and personal belongings tidy. [u][b]Odd Trait:[/b][/u] Huo has Nightmare Disorder, Multiple personalities, and is a Compulsive Liar [u][b]Physical Descriptions:[/b][/u] Huo bears scars on her back from an unknown cause. She also has long nails which she paints red. [u][b]Background Info:[/b][/u] Huo was born into an unpleasant family. With parents who were drug addicts, a family that abused her, and no real friends. Huo's lifestyle forced her to keep herself company. She began to mess around with cosmetics. As she grew older she got very skilled with makeup and began to get good at cutting and styling hair. At school, Huo was often chosen to do makeup for the drama club, though outside of that no one really liked her. And so as her life went on Huo's problems became more and more serious. She began to develop multiple personalities. She became a compulsive liar, lying at the drop of a hat. And slowly she began to gained Nightmare Disorder, which caused frequent and vivid nightmares. [u][b]Other:[/b][/u] Hair-Stylist/Barber and Makeup Artist [hider=Huo's Personalities]-Chen ~ Hardworker, Never gives up. Most common of the personalities. -Mei ~ Housewife type. Good at housework, girly. -Niu ~Violent, hot headed, good fighter. Only shows up when Huo is in danger, being harmed, etc.[/hider] [/hider] [hider= Relationship Charts ][hider= Huo's Relationship Chart][center] [Huo] Relationship Chart ♥ = romance|| ♦ = friends || ♠ = enemies || ○ = neutral[/center] [b][u]Jin:[/u][/b] ○ || Seems nice enough. Gave us this apartment. [u][b]Lilly Vereen:[/b][/u] ○ || I like her flower tattoos. Their very nice. She would also probably look nice if I did her hair. [u][b]Daniel Wordsworth:[/b][/u] ○ || I always feel weird around him. His cross dressing confuses me slightly. [u][b]Tanner Sykes:[/b][/u] ○ || She's an... odd woman [u][b]Huo Vesta:[/b][/u] Chen is great. She never gives up. Mui is wonderful. She makes great food. Niu. I don't really know all that much about her. She scares me. She beat up a guy that was attacking me once. [u][b]Francis Thorton:[/b][/u] ○ || He hasn't been here that long so I'm not really familiar with him. [u][b]William Thorton:[/b][/u] ○ || I don't have anything against him, but I don't like his apathy. [b][u]Elaine Pender:[/u][/b] ○ || Man... I with I could style her hair. With that brown color. It would looks amazing. [u][b]Amanda Källström:[/b][/u] ○ || ♠ || I disapprove of what she did to her hair. I don't like it. Probably not good for her hair. But personality wise, I don't hate her. [u][b]Aramaki Kei:[/b][/u] ○ || Havn't really got the chance to socialize with her. Nut she seems nice enough. [u][b]Anthony Ward:[/b][/u] ♦ || I like him. Cool dude, being social even with a fear like that. [u][b]Vale H. Exen:[/b][/u] ♦ || Wish I could hear him sing. Apparently he's good. [u][b]Yoska Petulengro: [/b][/u] ○ || He's only been here a few weeks so I've seen him once or twice. [/hider] [hider= Chen's Relationship Chart][center] [Chen] Relationship Chart ♥ = romance|| ♦ = friends || ♠ = enemies || ○ = neutral[/center] [b][u]Jin:[/u][/b] ♦ = He gave us a home. He should be appreciated. [u][b]Lilly Vereen:[/b][/u] ○ || Not sure what my opinion of her is. [u][b]Daniel Wordsworth:[/b][/u] ○ || He's got in touch with his true self. Good job, man. [u][b]Tanner Sykes:[/b][/u] ○ || I really wonder what she does for a living. [u][b]Huo Vesta:[/b][/u] Huo's helpless without us. Mei is great with housework. And Niu is just plain hostile and mean. [u][b]Francis Thorton:[/b][/u] ○ || Haven't met him. [u][b]William Thorton:[/b][/u] ○ || Or him. [b][u]Elaine Pender:[/u][/b] ○ || Or her. [u][b]Amanda Källström:[/b][/u] ○ || I know her. Not friends but not enemies. [u][b]Aramaki Kei:[/b][/u] ○ || Hoven't had the chance to meet her. [u][b]Anthony Ward:[/b][/u] ♦ || He's done well, dealing with his fear. [u][b]Vale H. Exen:[/b][/u] ♦ || He's smart. Plus apparently he can sing. I think he should. If you can sing well then sing. But that's just my opinion. [u][b]Yoska Petulengro: [/b][/u] ○ || Haven't met him yet. [/hider] [hider= Mei's Relationship Chart][center] [Mei] Relationship Chart ♥ = romance|| ♦ = friends || ♠ = enemies || ○ = neutral[/center] [b][u]Jin:[/u][/b] ♥ || I like him. I really do. He provided us with a home, though this is merely a crush. Nothing more. [u][b]Lilly Vereen:[/b][/u] ♦ || Wish I knew her even better [u][b]Daniel Wordsworth:[/b][/u] ♦ || Good taste in fashion. [u][b]Tanner Sykes:[/b][/u] ○ || I really am curious about her job. [u][b]Huo Vesta:[/b][/u] Huo really needs me to cook for her. Chen is strong and tough. Niu is just scary. She's violent and harsh and honest to god terrifies me. Though she does a good job protecting Huo when she needs protection. [u][b]Francis Thorton:[/b][/u] ○ || Met him once, don't really have an opinion on him. [u][b]William Thorton:[/b][/u] ○ || Same for him. Wonder why. [b][u]Elaine Pender:[/u][/b] ♦ || I like her. She's nice. [u][b]Amanda Källström:[/b][/u] ♦ || She's goos at guitar [u][b]Aramaki Kei:[/b][/u] ○ || Haven't met her. [u][b]Anthony Ward:[/b][/u] ○ || He's got a strong personality. [u][b]Vale H. Exen:[/b][/u] ○ || Dont really have an opinion of him. [u][b]Yoska Petulengro: [/b][/u] ○ || Never met him, but I would like to. [/hider] [hider= Niu's Relationship Chart][center] [Niu] Relationship Chart ♥ = romance|| ♦ = friends || ♠ = enemies || ○ = neutral[/center] [b][u]Jin:[/u][/b] ○ || Don't know him. Don't care. He poses no threat to Huo. [u][b]Lilly Vereen:[/b][/u] ○ || Same. [u][b]Daniel Wordsworth:[/b][/u] ○ || Poses no threat from what I can see. But I also haven't met him in person. [u][b]Tanner Sykes:[/b][/u] ○ || Never met her. Apparently she keeps her job a secret. [u][b]Huo Vesta:[/b][/u] Huo is nothing without me. She's weak. Chen's brave but she can't take care of herself. Mei can take care of herself but she has no guts. [u][b]Francis Thorton:[/b][/u] ○ || Never met. [u][b]William Thorton:[/b][/u] ○ || Haven't met him either. [b][u]Elaine Pender:[/u][/b] ○ || Appearantly she's French. But I haven't met her. [u][b]Amanda Källström:[/b][/u] ○ || You should realize that I Don't really know anyone [u][b]Aramaki Kei:[/b][/u] ○ || And she's new. [u][b]Anthony Ward:[/b][/u] ○ || Never hurt Huo. So yeah, I don't know him. [u][b]Vale H. Exen:[/b][/u] ○ || This was so pointless. Wow. Sch a stupid idea. I really don't know anyone here. No one here has tried to hurt us. [u][b]Yoska Petulengro:[/b][/u] ○ || And this one's a new guy. [/hider][/hider]