[h3]Smaug[/h3] 30 minutes has passed since Smaug was victorious over his solar-powered foe. He hadn't seen him come out from the dust cloud, which was only just beginning to vaguely disperse surprisingly. The fire drake groans as he tries to keep still, not wanting to cause more pain for himself. It will take a while for his wound to heal, let alone if it will make a full recovery or not. Soon enough, he begins to sense something. He looks to the sky and finds two dragons coming his way. For a moment he thought that they were allies of Beyza and that they were coming to get revenge. Yet as he takes a closer look, he can see colors that don't match the scheme on Beyza. They were not part of the council. They looked to be dragons from the Order of the Black Rose! He struggles to get up as soon as they land, but then collapses back to the ground with a painful groan. Curse the foul wound on his side! Yet he is greeted with the words of congratulation by Drumagth and the offering of healing his side. After a hiss of discomfort, he nods. "Argh... you didn't have to ask." the fire drake groans, "Please do so..." [h3]Raiden[/h3] Flying over the Jungle of Fangs, Raiden was heading towards his destination. His white and blue scales glimmer in the sunlight as he is flanked by 4 of his personal royal guard members. He is indeed part of the royal council, a young one in fact, just over 12,000 years old. Yet he is as wise as dragons can be, with superior strategy and philosophical view points. He was on his way back to his normal hunting grounds, the Forest of Runes, after doing some business at the Royal Council. Usually he heads home alone, capable to defending himself against other dragons, but yet here he is with his guards. Something must have indeed happened... He continues flying over the Jungle towards home.