"Well..." Drubbins said shutting down everything else from the effort of remembering. "Don't kno' de island, but I was working fer dis pirate Boss, see, before we was attacked by snake blokes like you. So we get in dis huge scrap, yeah, with de snakes, and one of em puts a spear in Da Bosses head. Dat took da fight right outta us, so dey scooped us all up and took us ta meet da new Boss which was dis huge snake bloke wif, like, lotsa arms, an he tells us dat we gonna be diggin' up dese statues from dis old place. So we go dere and we dig fer a long time and we bring up all dese statues and I was real good at it 'cause they was so big, so Da Boss let me put em up in this, like, big circle. And after dat Da Boss brought us all up and started krumpin' us in front of de statues, but I'm real tough so dey 'ad a hard time of it wit me. Got a thick neck, couldn't choke me like de other boys. So Da Boss comes down and decided to krump me personal like, but den someone screams 'Navy!" and everyfing just starts blowin' up and dese human blokes run up da hill and deres another huge scrap and fink I fell off a cliff." "Woke up on one a dem navy blokes boats, takin' me ta be hanged fer piratin' seeing as how I was now tech-nical-cally de captain." Drubbins finishes. "Never been a captain before. Felt nice." He adds wistfully.