Rekana was riding into the city that morning, on a 'diplomatic mission'. In reality, he had come to find suitable city for control. The bells were a lovely chime, although he knew not for what occasion. He following the glorious sound into the square on his tri-horned steed. Ideas were forming. Gears turning at unheard of velocities. He saw the lone rebel amongst the crowd, and the tyrant. [i]A people's hero…[/i] Nothing could have been sweeter, so tempting than to expand his reign to the city… He decided: He shot the executioner's axe. A rebel destroyed the chains. The execution quickly started heading against the Lord. Natural, Rekana led the charge. "Down with the tyrant! Down with the tyrant!". Terror ensued. After the crowd saw him prominently on his horse, and declared him a hero, he promptly escaped the scene. He hurried to a nearby tavern to regroup, utilized a handy black mask. It looked ominous, but many of the dark satyrs were ominous, and he was 1/4 dark satyr. The tavern keep greeted him. "Heydil, Va-ye need a stoot von?" Said the keep with the getting in Satyrtounge and the rest in broken common. "Nyd Tyrz (No Thank You), just some hareboar rack." said the mask satyr, thinking of the delicious hareboar. "Jey, ze frez zipment here vis vorneeng." The keep hauled out a ridiculously-sized harbor, split in half. Reckon laid down the pence, and began chewing on the white, beef-like meat. He finished quickly, but he made sure to lock the tavern door tightly. He did not know much of Lord Jade. One hour after the shot, he looked upon the aftermath from his balcony. He was pleased, as he saw the debris of chaos. [i]Prehaps I should leave a note for my fellow…liberators. In the mean time, it would be wise to call an army…no, no…subtle first, a people's hero, then a surprise twist of brute force. That is the way to win nations.[/i]