[h2] Drumagth [/h2] Nodding to his apprentice, [b]"The Order had wondered when this fight would happen. Many thought you would loss. I rejoice that you are the one still standing"[/b] Dirath had moved beside the wounded dragon, looking over him over before starting. Bigray and Gramonlon had flown out to secure the area. As Dirath began healing, [b]"I would like to ask you for an alliance, or if your interested, you could join the order. Ether way you receive benefits."[/b] As he finished speaking he glanced at the corpse of Bezya. The solar dragon was torn, but still intact. Perfect for what he had planned. Let's just hope he still hopes his abilities. [b]"Also, would you mind if we did with Bezya for you. I doubt you have a need for a corpse,"[/b] Dirath finished his healing and had sat beside his master. [h2] Besimious [/h2] The undead female had been watching through the eyes of the messagers that her master had ordered out. The librarian had agreed to an audience so far. At the moment one had past through Ro's lands to approach the Elders. Many others had just received the messagers, and are working over their responses. Knowing that their every move could be seen. Meanwhile Kragon had begun ordering troops around. Checking to see if the necromancers had been doing their job. They seemed able to hold rank, but hardly. Very upset about this, he ordered increased training. Unlike most of the undead in the world. These get to keep most of their free will. Allowing them a second chance as long as they remain loyal.