[h2] Drumagth [/h2] [b]"I remember the stories of your army, and I honor your past. I would ask not to stand behind me, but beside me. As equals, in this chaotic land. "[/b] he said with a toothy grin. Then with a nod, [b]"I'll have the black guard send you support. They'll be under your complete control. As for your lieutenants, if you need assistance I have resources."[/b] As Bigray and Gramonlon return Drumagth flicks his tail towards Bezya. [b]"I would also suggest that you take a look at your fallen foe's lands. Rumor has it he had a hoard of gold hidden in his keep."[/b] Drumagth stretched out his wings, [b]" As for now I have business to deal with. I look forward to this alliance. "[/b] He took off heading east. Dirath on his tail and the other two following with Bezya's corpse. As the passed over the Bargos forest Dirath's voice was herd,[b]"Why are we heading east? I thought you would make Bezya your minion."[/b] the young dragon had his usual confused look on his face. With a slight sigh, [b]"I need to bring news to an ally, and give a gift to someone."[/b] Drumagth spoke with a mysterious tone in his voice. Soon they approach the city of tardy, the large shape of a dragon not to far away. The group landing not to far from the dragon, [b]"greetings Balerion, it has been awhile. I hope you do not mind us passing through, but I have brought news from the Order.[/b] he spoke in a friendly tone, and give a small nod of respect.