[hider=Luna][center][img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/11057317_625525634247368_5047158803853849552_n.jpg?oh=bde54aa8993a3e7c2f064d893fdc0ce2&oe=557D33CC&__gda__=1434287014_166eed9c11e65ebaeba4fcc6176e4c97[/img][/center][/hider] This is my cat, Luna. Who is a male, but almost always mistakenly assumed to be female. He's a black American short hair and is blind in one eye (I believe it's his right eye?) and because of that, his pictures almost always have a strange glare to him. We got him back in October of last year, because my Mom is a sucker for black cats as they have a lower adoption rate here. And out of all the cats, Luna is definitely the one who enjoys my company the most. He almost never leaves my room unless my guardians are out, sleeps at the end of my bed and follows me around the house to which we've dubbed him my "Shadow". I have no idea where the name Luna comes from, but I kept it to respect the love that his original owners had for him. I have three other cats with pictures and descriptions coming in the near future.