Hanako soon found herself following behind Guts, having nervously agreed to help him scour the library in search of a certain kind of book. Of course, Lilly would have done it herself, but she could not read. She nervously eyed Guts' stump as they entered the library, and he began taking tome after tome, occasionally asking her questions about which was the oldest and what material they covered. The pair soon assembled a stack twenty high on occultism, mystics, and dark magics. Mister Guts had odd tastes, she considered. "W-well, I guess I'd better-" she turned to dash off before a powerful hand caught her wrist. "Oi. We're not done yet. What's this word?" he asked, pointing to a page with his stump. "...T-the." "And this one?" "Mystick?" "And this one?" "Mr. Guts... can you read?" she asked, nervously. Guts stared at her blankly before answering, "No, why?" "B-but, but everyone can read, can't they?" "Maybe in some stuffy building full of academics and scribes. The rest of us have bodies we can put to use." Guts replied. At this, Hanako's eyes drifted back down to his missing hand. "But...." she began. "You think [i]this[/i] is a problem? Slap a magnet on this and an injury like this is no problem. An injury can't bring you down if you don't let it. Got it?" Hanako's eyes lit up. This man, missing limbs, and etched in countless scars, was something else. She sat down next to him. "The mystic arts are..." she began, and together the two began to read, until the Sun sank low on the horizon.