[quote=@HueNost] [b]My Archanist[/b] [b]Arcanist’s Name:[/b] Lumos Fawcett [b]Arcanist’s Title:[/b] The Optomancer [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Arcanist’s Magus:[/b] Luxomancy. More specifically, he's an Auroramancer [b]Description of Magus:[/b] He has the ability to bend environmental light, thus being able to create illusory effects. However, his lack of interest in the field of illusion makes this a weak skill. On the other hand, Lumos is a gifted physicist, and has learned how to use lenses to focus the light he controls, for different purposes. After many years of studying light and its behavior, he discovered that, theoretically, light can be transformed into usable energy, and therefore able to power mechanisms, although this is nothing more than a concept. He believes that, with the right technology, this discovery might be revolutionary. [b]Amplifier:[/b] The use of lenses and other mechanisms for different purposes helps him focus the energy his power provides. [b]Nuller:[/b] Without his lenses, and thanks to his lack of interest in other possible uses of his ability, his light-bending becomes nothing but a circus act. [b]Description of appearance:[/b] Lumos is a tall, Caucasian male. He's not particularly attractive, he has a wide nose, greenish brown eyes, short, dark hair and a few moles here and there. He's of thin complexion, but not necessarily a weakling. He's known to wear humble clothing. A threadbare white shirt, brown pants, and a pair of boots. [b]A short biography:[/b] Let's start with the beginning. His father is a renowned artisan, a Glassblower, from the Aurora Empire, and his mother, a Luxian Scholar. They met in one of the countless trade journeys of his father. They fell in love, and had a child. Both decided to live in Aurora, in order to avoid the hubbub of the Luxus Empire, but, eventually, she grew bored, and left both Lumos and his father to return to her native land. Lumos grew in Aurora, motherless, and learned the crafts of glassblowing. But soon enough, his mother's innate curiosity kicked in, and he started making questions about his mother's whereabouts. Being fifteen, he left his home in search of her, with his father's blessing and best wishes, of course. He traveled, and learned about the land he crossed, the people he met and their cultures. One day, he arrived to an inn, looking for a bed to spend the night. He found more than that. To his massive luck, his mother was there, discussing with other fellow scholars (and one or two bypassing drunks) when she immediately recognized Lumos' father's face in that young man's. She took him under her care, and taught him well. He soon earned his place within the scholar community. [b]Text Colour:[/b] [color=f7941d]This one seems pretty neat[/color] [b]Other bits and pieces:[/b] He has a puppy named Snuggles. Um... I hope this is acceptable. I'm a bit rusty, haven't roleplayed in a while. [/quote] Groovy, welcome aboard! I do like that you've made him a physicist, too, it's keeping with the theme that Arcanists are scientists.