[color=330099][h2][center]Edolas Sayuri[/center][/h2][/color] She walks up to Sasha and places herself between the two of them, [color=330099]"Sasha he isn't your enemy. Your going against the Queen right? Well what we're planning will put a stop to both her and Pen's plans. Please Sasha. If you can't trust Mentor can you at least trust me? I've followed all your rules I think I've at least earned that,"[/color] she looks in her eyes the whole time then turns to face her mentor, [color=330099]"Please return her daggers. She'll be a great help and we need more allies if we're going to do this. Besides I trust her to back us up if things go wrong. If it's alright with you Sasha I'm gonna go get my swords and Jacket."[/color] [color=336699][h2][center]Masahiko[/center][/h2][/color] He looks at Grane with a raised eyebrow, [color=336699][i]'There's someone Grane would hesitate to ask for help? I'd never thought I'd see the day,'[/i][/color] then he smiles, [color=336699]"That sounds like something Sayuri would say. I still remember the first time she truely lost. So who is this 'him' you didn't even think you would consider?"[/color] [color=990000][h2][center]Sayuri[/center][/h2][/color] [color=7fff00]"So you dropped a mass murdering psycho from your world into this one? Why the hell did you even think that was a good idea? Ever consider the people over here?"[/color] Mina was extremely annoyed at the story she'd been told by the other world Sayuri. Not that her attitude helped. Sayuri shrugs examining the sheath a shop keeper had basically forced her to take saying her sword absolutely had to have a sheath. While it had a simple design it fit her blade perfectly, [color=990000]"From my perspective it seemed like a great decision. He can't do as much damage here and without magic we figued he would be mostly useless. Besides you wouldn't need anything fancy to contain him,"[/color] she looks out over the side of the Legion they were riding watching things speed below them. Mina shot her a look, [color=7fff00]"It's still freaking irresponsable to shove your problems on others to deal with you know! I mean-"[/color] Sayuri sighs and leans back, [color=990000]"We didn't shove our problem onto you. Look at it like this. We didn't have the ability to deal with him so we simply placed him where there were people who could deal with it. Which I would like to say was the best option at the time,"[/color] Mina snorts and returns her attention to where they were headed. She notices a leigon up ahead and frowns slightly, [color=7fff00][i]'Hmm... That's odd there shouldn't be anyone flying around here at this time.'[/i][/color]