Arcanist’s Name: Joren Amiot Arcanist’s Title: Joren,The Memorized Gender:Male Age:14 Magus: Object manipulation: Joren is able to manipulate objects, but not in a physical way.He can "speak" with them, learn their secrets, watch memories that have been attached to them happen, for example seeing someone write the letter he touched, see great battle's from a sword he is wielding, learn their secrets over time. Amplifier: the more history an object has the easier it is to read, Nuller: Objects: Brand new objects he cannot read, for example a fresh new sword won't tell him anything like an good aged blade. Description of appearance: Joren is 5'6 with a small build with large round glasses, he has bright yellow hair which is always unkempt, he wears a cape with a red insignia on the back which is two hands with a dagger in one hand and a book in the other, he wears dark earthy colors,which match his dark skin and contrast with his bright red eyes. He wears mostly made of heavy fur and leather from the tribes in the north. He speaks in a kind, patient manner but dosen't mind getting his hands dirty with his siqnature weapons "knowledge" a small blue dagger with a golden hew and "Ambition" a short sword with a yellow hilt and equally yellow glow when in the dark. A short biography: Text Colour: [color=Brown]A nice subtle Brown[/color] Other bits and pieces: