Lazarus He fumed away. There was only so long he would stay here like this. He listened. El Jarvis had come for him. Joshua must've given him a berry. He close his eyes and smiled. "I'm coming for you Sasha. Don't worry." Edo-Lazarus He shouted after Pen. "If you don't change your mind.... I WILL KILL YOU!" He growled. After Pen was gone there was nothing more to be done. His entire plan was to get Pen away from the capital streets, stopping him hameing the citezens. He sighed. "It's ok, Lazarus tells me you two are partners. So you're just fighting as you would with him." He grinned. "I'll do my best to fill in for him." He gripped his sword tightly." He relaxed for just a moment. "You know..... The Sasha of this world is nothing like you, but I see with my Counterpart loves you.... That's the impression I get anyway." He turned his back on her walking away. He called back. "Don't just stand there, let's go help clear up the trash!" He grunted.