[quote=@Dblade26]That reminds me, does Damian go to school? I think in the comics there's an incredibly vague statement somewhere that he doesn't, but what do people think?[/quote] He doesn't. Heck, the kid just randomly plopped into Wayne Enterprises while Bruce was away doing Batman things and somehow [i]increased[/i] profits. Plus he finds it demeaning. New 52 wise I think the excuse is that he's home-schooled/studies abroad while Carrie Kelly is teaching him how to be a normal human being? Or something? Though with Jason moving back to the Manor, I'm sure Damian will have plenty to do, what with having to figure out his limits with the new big brother. Man, that must be awkward for Bruce. The only Robins in the Manor are the two that had that emo phase where they killed a lot of people.