[hider=Naruto Namikaze][center] [img]http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2009/365/4/c/4c5928593fefc824506fa7095bbfe51e.jpg[/img] [i]"Heh...let me guess. Fox gotcha tongue?"[/i] [b][u]Full Name[/u][/b] Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze [b][u]Nickname[/u][/b] 'Kitsune'. [b][u]Gender[/u][/b] Male [b][u]Age[/u][/b] 15-16. [b][u]Birthday[/u][/b] October the 10th. [b][u]Astrological Sign[/u][/b] Libra [b][u]From & Creator[/u][/b] From: Naruto. Creator: Kishimoto. Version: Alternate Universe. [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] Naruto could be seen as rather...'jaded' from the things he has seen in his life. The boy is incredibly sharp-witted, with an immensely intelligent brain. Although he could come off as rather 'distant', relationship and mushy-emotional-wise, he has an undeniable mischievous nature that comes out in the form of cunning pranks on those he dislikes, and thinly-veiled jibes that are said in such a cool, underhanded tone, that it leaves you reeling for a comeback. He could be kind - That's obviously why he chose his given job - and he doesn't tolerate flat out bullying. Confident, with a wild side that could be seen in his eyes, body, and in some kegs of his personality. Tends to be rather sly, and if you see one of his fanged, foxy smirks, you better be on guard. He's absolutely fearless, and selfless as well. [b][u]Powers & Abilities[/u][/b] To put it in a condensed form, Naruto Namikaze is the proud owner of a prodigal-amount of talent. Like all Shinobis, he is immensely faster, stronger, more agile, and more durable than your average human OR common ninja. Due to his training in the ANBU, which eventually lead to him being the Captain at the age of 12, Naruto is heavily skilled in Ninjutsu, knowing a wide-amount of destructive and powerful jutsu, Taijutsu, as he has made his own style known as 'The Way of the Fox', Kenjutsu, which he doesn't even use unless his taijutsu and ninjutsu fails, along with FÅ«injutsu - a natural talent. Does cooking count as a 'power'? [b][u]Likes & Dislikes[/u][/b] Ramen, cooking, dango, training, hunting...those sorts of things. As for dislikes, he hates arrogance, people that judge without knowledge, and flatout dobes. [b][u]Occupation/Hobby[/u][/b] Formerly, he was the ANBU Captain - a professional, and respected Killer. Now...well, he has no job, honestly. He'll find one. Hey...they don't have a chef, do they? [b][u]Apartment Interior[/u][/b] [url=http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/tomodachi/images/3/3d/Modern_Asian.png/revision/latest?cb=20140621213240]Modern Asian Room.[/url] [b][u]Apartment Room[/u][/b] Floor 3, Room 5. [b][u]Possessions[/u][/b] Seeing as all of his weapon and scrolls disappeared on his arrival...'here', Naruto only possesses a standard-issued ninjato, a pouch of kunai and shuriken, and a worn photo of a blue-haired princess with lavender eyes. [u][b]Clothing[/b][/u] When he appeared, Naruto wore a tight, form-fitting sleeveless black shirt, covered with a just-as-tight, bone-white, and sleeveless chest-armor. He also wore black shinobi pants, wrapped with bandages at the ankles, and black shinobi sandals. Long black gloves donned his fingers, although the tips are cut off, revealing slightly elongated claws. [b][u]Other[/u][/b] He has a red, spiral tattoo on his right upper bicep. [/center] [/hider]