[u][b][center][h2]No longer searching![/h2][/center][/b][/u] [u][b][h3]Partner Expectations[/h3][/b][/u] [list] [*]Has the same interests that I do -- can be fandom, genre, doesn't really matter. I don't want them bored with the Roleplay. [*]Additionally, it'd be awesome if I wasn't the only one plotting or coming up with ideas. [*]Is able to post often. Doesn't have to be everyday or even every two days. Posting once in a week is enough, honestly. [*]Isn't looking just for romance, but actual plot, development and storyline. Romance can be a subplot, of course. [*]Has decent grammar and is willing to manage at least 2-4 sentences or a paragraph per post. Able to post more? Fabulous. [*]Is understanding in the case that I need to drop the Roleplay. [*][b]Bonus:[/b] Someone I have a natural chemistry or understanding with. [/list] [h2][b][u]About Me[/u][/b][/h2] [list] [*]I'm eighteen, but I'm not very comfortable with any form of sexual Roleplay. Not my cup of tea. [*]I'm female. I don't care about the age or gender of my partner as long as they're comfortable with me. [*]I actually don't mind romance as a main plot, but I'm not very good with writing it, so be warned. [*]Speaking of romance, I write MxF, FxF and MxM. I [u][b]do not[/b][/u] generally do OC/FC x canon character, however. [*]I'm comfortable with roles as male and female. I play them both about 50/50. [*]I tend to have [b][i]a lot[/i][/b] of characters when Roleplaying. Doubling is pretty much a must for me. [*]I write in the field of Casual. I can't write Advanced, but I can keep up with Free. [*]I may be a bit slow with posting, but it will generally be a post or two a day, depending on how I feel or how busy I am. [*]I like to document my Roleplays. Therefore, they will appear in the 1x1 section, but, I can make exceptions. [*]I'm very patient and understanding, I'll be willing to work through any matters with you! [*]I tend to take long hiatuses and I apologize sincerely if this disrupts our RP -- I have a very strict schedule. [*][b]On a note with romance:[/b] I'm totally fine RPing romance with older users, but I understand if you aren't comfortable with it! [/list] [center]Still interested? Great. Here, have a fluffy cat. [img]http://www.eonline.com/eol_images/Entire_Site/201478/rs_500x281-140808102730-cutest-cat-gifs-please.gif[/img] Moving on now.[/center] [u][b][h2]Fandoms[/h2][/b][/u] [list] [*][b]RWBY[/b] [*][b]Soul Eater[/b] [*]Left 4 Dead [*][b]Fire Emblem[/b] (Fates && Awakening) [*][b]Pokemon[/b] [/list] [u][b][h2]Genres[/h2][/b][/u] [list] [*][b]Apocalypse and/or post-apocalypse[/b] [*][b]Slice of life[/b] [*]Paranormal && Supernatural [*]Psychological [*][b]Horror[/b] [*][b]Western[/b] [*][b]Crossover[/b] (all forms of media [i]or[/i] two (and more) medias crossing over into one) [*]Historical [/list] [u][b][h2]Scenarios && Ideas[/h2][/b][/u] [list] [*]Simple adventure through a fantasy, steampunk or multi-versal world. We would design it as we go. [*]RWBY and Soul Eater crossover, can be found [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/75380-scarlet-resonance/ooc]here[/url]. [*][b]Group of apocalypse survivors. Can be during or after, organized or anarchical, etc.[/b] [*]People who hunt supernatural beings. [*][b]Group of friends who are on a road trip together.[/b] [*][b]Cliche horror story.[/b] [*][b]Anything taking place in the American Wild West. [i]Anything.[/i][/b] [*]College/highschool friends and their story. [*]A simply adventure through the Pokemon world. Alternatively, something dark with the same setting. [*]Our own RWBY Team! Or, alternatively, our own RWBY team(s). [*]A pair or group of pairs who are from the Soul Eater universe. [*]Done to death, but I'd be down for it: paranormal/supernatural highschool. [*]Anything you want to suggest to me or we plot out together! [/list] [center]If anyone's interested, just shoot a message my way, either through this topic or via PMs. Thanks for reading![/center]