[h3]Smaug[/h3] The majestic Fire Drake stands up proudly as he stretches his wings, hearing Drumagth speak. "It's a fine deal." Smaug replies with a smirk, "Accepted." Yet as the black dragon was about to take off, he then suggests to Smaug to search Beyza's land... as a hoard of gold is hidden somewhere in his keep. That caught the greedy Drake's ear. Treasure! Riches! All more for his hoard. "If there is treasure to be found," he replies to Drumagth, "I will find it. Alas, I also do the same. Farewell." As the black dragon from the Order heads east, the crimson Fire Drake heads the opposite, searching the lands carefully for any signs of potential hordes as he heads back home to plan. He will find that treasure... he sure will.