[Center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQ0LmYzYWFkYi5ma2x5YVhNZ1IyVnliV0Z1YVdOaC4w/quirlycues.regular.png[/img][/center] Due to the unforgiving weight of SLIM strapped on her back, Iris had been moving slower than she would like. Reaching her family's warehouse took twice as long as it should. Not all the blame could be set on that however, because by the time she rounded the street and the building came into view, Crucible soldiers were already pouring inside. She had to wait until the coast was clear before she could approach safely. There were two guards who stood outside the front of the building, so Iris had to take a detour. Reaching into her clothes, she took out Dusty and placed him on the ground. [color=ec008c]"Dont fail me now. Go."[/color] she said, giving him a little tap on the behind, causing him to run towards the guards. Iris took this time to move around the perimeter of the warehouse and sneak up on the two. With the back of her handgun she pulled out of her boot, she hit both of them on the back of the head while they were distracted, and they fell like heaps of rice to the ground. Meanwhile Dusty was being adorable, cleaning his face with those tiny hands. Figuring he'd probably be safer out here than inside, she left him by the door as the new guard and slipped inside. The large [url=http://th08.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2013/028/c/0/new_york_warehouse_by_wwudesign-d5t1w7w.jpg]one room building[/url] was filled with various boxes and containers of every type. Thousands of rounds of ammunition and gun parts, hundreds of ready to be sold firearms were just a few of the things stored there. Crouching through the row of things, Iris was able to see her parents at the back wall, pressed right up against it with five soldiers surrounding them. [color=0076a3]"We can make this easier and a lot less painful for the two of you if you comply with us."[/color] said a voice that didn't come from one of the soldiers. Another man was there, and as he came into view, Iris frowned and aimed the sights of SLIM right on his head. [color=0076a3]"I'm going to offer you a deal. Give us the names of your buyers and those who supply you with all of this..."[/color] He gestured around at the rows of crates that lined the walls. [color=0076a3]"And well, we can just take you in, lock you filth up for the rest of your lives instead of doing it my way. The way where you don't get out of here alive."[/color] On that, her father stepped to protect her mother who was shivering in fear behind them. This changes things. If Iris killed this guy outright, his goons would just shoot her parents right then and there. Time for plan B. Iris set SLIM down against a crate and pulled out her small, less than intimidating hand gun once again. She hesitated a long moment, gathering up her courage to go out there and talk. Moving fast on her feet, she approached and cocked her gun, the light noise causing all five gun sights once trained on her parents to turn on her. That's exactly what she wanted. With her gun aimed at the head of the guy who was in charge, she shifted on her feet, clearly appearing to be nervous. [color=ec008c]"H-how about we do things my way? Where you guys leave my parents alone and get out before... before I shoot you."[/color] Iris hoped he was falling for her trick. Her studdering and shaking hands were all acts in to getting him to think she was all talk. Harmless. Where in fact she was taking in her surroundings, ready to make her move in just a moment. The man turned towards her, now with all the attention on her, it was perfect. A smirk began to form on the man's face just before he let out a bark of a laugh. [color=0076a3]"Well this is just... fantastic! I didn't think they had a daughter. Welcome to the party."[/color] He saod, taking a few steps towards her. She backed up and pretended to stumble when he did. [color=0076a3]"I hope you are smarter than your parents over here. Why don't you talk to them? Convince them to give it up before you die along with them."[/color] She glanced behind him at her parents who already seemed to know what her plan was. Her father nodded and gripped her mother's hand before the two dashed off to the right, heading for the back to a door that lead to an escape route. Just as the six unwelcome guests turned away from her, Iris raised her arms and fired two shots at the light above them. It blew out, causing the rest of the lights in the building to flicker and turn off as well. She didn't wait around to move her position and meet up with her parents. Her nearly perfect memory allowed her to maneuver through the building with ease, and she reached her parents. Her father smiled and hugged her tightly and her mother did the same. [color=9e0039]"That was a hell of a crazy thing you did there."[/color] Her dad said. [color=ed145b]"Are you alright, Iris?"[/color] Her mom asked afterwards. [color=0076a3]"FIND THEM! NOW!"[/color] Iris looked behind her then back at her parents, the angry voice making her uneasy. [color=ec008c]"Go. I will be right behind you."[/color] she said before going back and making some noise in the opposite direction. She heard footsteps and gunshots behind her and she quickly ducked to the side. Her heart by now was racing in fear, and she tried to think rationally on how she was going to get out of here. Soon that idea was gone when the crate next to her was shot. She stood and ran in the direction of the entrance, still holding her hung in in one hand. She didn't fire any shots in fear that she would be found out, and instead made her way towards the door. She felt around and grabbed SLIM, fitting him onto her back and opened the door, causing light to stream in. [color=0076a3]"THERE! GET HER!"[/color]was all she heard before a flurry of bullets was shot towards her As she slipped outside. Two shots hit her, both grazing her left shoulder, but it didn't slow her down at all. Reaching down and picking up Dusty, she ran as fast as she could back towards the forest where she came from. That would give her some cover if they still wanted to persue her. She just prayed that her parents got out of there safely. There was nothing more she could do.[color=ec008c]"Please be safe..."[/color]