[center][b]Sasha[/b][/center] Sasha sighed, and shook her head. To her, this wasn't complicated. Lazarus was different to this worlds Lazarus, why either of them had thought they could fool her was beyond her. The differences between them went beyond physical, although it was easy to tell which was which, given that Edo-Lazarus was older. The difference was, Lazarus would die for his friends, and not threaten to kill them. And maybe it was based on circumstances, of this world, of the way the two grew up. But she didn't think so. No, the difference was that Lazarus had found the guild, and been healed by it. Been taken in, and accepted like they all had. This worlds Lazarus perhaps hadn't had that chance. She smiled slightly and said [color=6ecff6]"I should get back to the others. Make sure my guild members are okay, and that nothing has happened to those of this world as well. Some were fighting"[/color] With an after thought, she took away the ice floor, and started back the way she had come. [center][b]Edo-Master Jamie[/b][/center] Edo-Jamie watched the battle, eyes focusing on any attack towards Edo-Karn, that they might miss, ready to step in and help. And perhaps that was why Edo-Jamie was taken unawares as the white legion flew overhead. He looked up a second too late, the claws already descending, and curling around her. His head whipped around, seeing Liana safe, as the legion's claws closed around her like a cage. As the legion rose, Edo-Jamie tried to break free, with no result. A sudden shout of [color=6ecff6]"Ice make: Snake stairs!"[/color] reached her ears, and looking about, Edo-Jamie saw EL-Sasha ascending towards him on what appeared to be a moving stair case. The young woman seemed to judge the distance, and then gathering strength, seemed to jump, her scrambling fingers managing to clasp the legion's leg. Edo-Jamie could see fright, and determination on the Earthlander girls features, which were rapidly overtaken by pure fear as, he assumed, she realised she didn't have the strength to pull herself up. She gulped, and Edo-Jamie held a moment of fear, until the young girl managed to swing her legs up, clambering up to a better position. [color=f9ad81]"You might just be crazier then our Sasha"[/color] Edo-Jamie mused, looking up at Pen's shout. [color=ed1c24]"What the hell are you doing?"[/color] El-Sasha looked up, and then said [color=6ecff6]"You know, I haven't the foggest idea. But you take my master, in this world or mine, and I'm not going to sit about and do nothing"[/color] Edo-Jamie was amazed at her pluck, as she scaled the legion, and stood to face the mad man. [color=f26522]"Curiouser and curiouser"[/color] Edo-Jamie mused. [center][b]Liana[/b][/center] Liana was about to reply, when the legion plucked Edo-Jamie from their midst. She let out a cry, and made to...to do...something, but was already too late. She spun, looking to Edo-Trinity, fear flashing over her features. [color=bc8dbf]"What do we do?"[/color] She saw Edo-Angelica, perhaps thrown by the appearance of the legion, be caught by Edo-Karn's nets. [center][b]Jarvis[/b][/center] Pleased that the other two had followed him, Jarvis moved over to Lazarus when his counterpart didn't seem to complain about it. He shook his head, and sighed [color=aba000]"You're like a puppy, getting yourself in trouble when you think you are doing the greater good. Come on"[/color] he said, taking him by the arm, moving towards Joshua and Amelia. When he was near, he slid the transportation Lacrima out his pocket, and before anyone could react, had smashed it. He just thought of the capitol, but having no idea where that was here, or what it looked like, he was unsure that he took them to the right place. It was a city, so that was something. [center][b]Edo-Sasha[/b][/center] Edo-Sasha glared at Edo-Sayuri, and said darkly, [color=0072bc]"I don't trust you either, Sayuri. You aren't apart of the guild. I don't know your intentions. I won't hesitate to stick a dagger in you, either"[/color] She snatched her daggers back, quickly slipping them into their hiding places, she kept one out, holding it in her right hand.