Sammy smiled to himself. It looks like everyone can handle themselves right now, which means he can go and take care of the big problem. “Oi, Dani!!” the woman turned to face him. “Is there a way i can get over the wall!?” “Yeah, there’s a lift at the south end of the town!” “Sweet!... Which way is south?!” Dani pointed to her right. “Alright!,” Sammy turned around to face Griff. “Griff, i want you to meet up with Dani, do whatever she say to do!! I’m gonna go check on our ship!!” Sammy knelt down, readying himself. Suddenly, he began sprinting across the roof he was on, leaping to the next and then the next, all in the direction Dani pointed. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- He soon found himself at the foot of the wall, stretching stories above him. "Man this thing is huge. Now where's that lift" "Oi, quit pushing!" "Huh?" Sammy turned to see many of the residence cramming into a small room connected to a railing on the wall. "That must be it." Sammy jogged over to the group of men trying to get on. it was clear to him that he wasn't going to get on normally, so instead, he leaped over top of the group, jumped off one of their heads and landed on top of the lift just as it was taking off.