One thing was for certain, Connie was really starting to wonder about the student body at Orean Cause; and not in the way that the formerly underwear-clad girl would assume. With this many...eccentric sorts suddenly taking an interest in what she thought would just be a quiet night alone in front of a screen in a dark room - how depressing that thought is - she was seriously wondering if any actual movie watching would get accomplished. Assuming all the interested sorts came, could they even all agree on a film to watch? The accent girl was probably into...foreign language films...if Connie had to guess. Maybe horror movies for the...quiet seemingly appearing out of nowhere girl. For Rin...maybe something animated to match her energetic nature? For Rebecca, who was now familiar with the ground, Connie assumed some sort of...romance movie, maybe an older one set in the old times of European History. That she could think of at least three movies per each genre that she owned gave her a little bit of hope that an agreement could be reached. But then there was the matter of this yuri fan. Girl meets girl sounded more like something her mother would watch with her father, and that was certainly not appropriate for a simple gathering. However, if she meant simple romantic movies, Connie also had those. [b][color=yellow]"Oh, you mean like romance movies?"[/color][/b] Connie asked with a tilt of her head at the yuri girl. [b][color=yellow]"Well I've got some. Uh...there's 'But I'm A Cheerleader' but that's more of a comedy...uh...'My Summer of Love' is really good...I have a French movie but it's pretty long and also...uh...not really appropriate for the first movie night. Actually, um, we'll all decide on a movie when it starts it's more fair that way. And if all of you are coming I'll have to move it to somewhere we can all watch comfortably. I'm sure my mother will be fine, she did tell me to make friends. I..I think she meant boyfriends but friends are friends!"[/color][/b] Connie, despite the craziness happening around her, was back to being smiling and happily oblivious.