RAT-A-TAT-TAT BANGBANGBANGBANG PEWPEWPEWPEWPEWPEWPEWPEW KROOM-KROOM-KROOM-KROOM The barrage hadn't stopped when the Beat Rider's armor liquefied. And among the lasers and nebulous Toku fireworks, there had been real bullets and plasma bolts- the result had been predictable as Takahara went over to the Rider's smoking body, blood pooling on the floor around him as he reached down and took the Rider's lockseeds. The manager was going to be PISSED. But, as usual, the patrons were already putting together a "hush money" jar. Takahara smiled and clapped his hands as he motioned for the mooks to keep firing until there was nothing left of the Beat Rider's body but swiss cheese. "Right! That's the superpower of teamwork. Let's get that Evil Organization paperwork filled out! Call up old friends if you've got 'em."