[b]Steve, Freddy Fazbear's[/b] The sound of the New-U Station is nothing new. After all, it's used for interdimensional travel as well as digistructing your body post-mortem. However, where Steve appears is not a place he recognizes. It looks to be a toilet stall, with one very bewildered user. "Heyoo!" Steve says to the timid-looking masked man. "It seems that this is quite an odd place. Where is it that I am right now?" "EEE. YOU ARE IN FREDDY FAZBEAR'S. WE'RE A BIT BUSY AT THE MOMENT, SO IGNORE THE MESS. EEE." At this moment, Steve notices the bullet-ridden corpse at the man's feet. "Ah yes, the "mess". Say no more, I know how that works. Kinda wish I didn't miss the fun. So then, I think I should probably take a look around. Get some explanations for why I got spit out here." "EEE. KEEP YOUR MASK ON. JUST A WARNING. EEE." Bidding farewell, Steve begins to move out of the restroom.