[h3]Box 297 [color=00aeef]Yuga[/color] and [color=f7941d]Amon[/color][/h3] Amon sharply turned her head towards Yuga as she heard the final tone in the girls voice, a sharp and cruel bark of laughter coming out as she left herself completely open, [color=f26522]"I do believe you've yet to trust my evaluation of my value to this school, "[/color] Amon spoke a bit condescendingly, seeming to calm down, if only slightly now that she had something to take her mind off the cage they were in. Her orb stopped veering as she seemed to gain a bit of control again. The logical part of her mind knew that it was highly unlikely they would be kept here for long, but every time she looked at those walls, all she could feel was the panic and drive to do what she needed to survive that had permeated within when she had been captured on earth. The robots resolve seemed to broker little back talk, and besides, there were more than a few victims that a he had killed when their defenses were lowered. Yuga had already seemed to have come to terms with this end, much as Amon had been ready to die when hunting, an option that had been seemingly yanked away from her. That thought brought a steeliness to her eyes as she felt a begrudging respect for her. [color=f26522]"In that case, I suppose I shouldn't waste any time," [/color]her orb standing still the air as it seemed to be engulfed in a dark purple flame, "I feel no need to make this cruel, so it may be best for you to tell me where to strike so as not to drag this out." She hoped Yuga wasn't too durable, this was the only way she could think to hurt her, doubting her claws and fangs would do much good. [color=00aeef]"You should destroy my head last. If it is severed from the body I will have no control over it, and my body will defend itself. To that end, destroy my auxiliary limbs first. Than my legs, as after your destroy my auxiliary limbs my body would enter it's defensive mode. I can ensure that you are not harmed, but my body would attempt to save itself nonetheless. By removing my legs I will not be able to escape, and it will give you time to destroy my body entirely."[/color] Yuga than lowered one hand and dragged her mechanical fingers across a spot near her waist. [color=00aeef]"Strike here, as it is weakest. And here,"[/color] Yuga turned around to show Amon where her auxiliary limbs were linked to her shoulders. [color=00aeef]"To remove my extra limbs. If you could, try to make the damage minimal. I could salvage my remains later. And lastly."[/color] Yuga turned and pointed at her abdomen. [color=00aeef]"This is the hardest part of my body. It contains my body's power source. Normally striking here would be all you need to defeat me, however even I cannot assist you in destroying it if my body has the means to prevent that. First you must cripple me, and than go for the final blow while I am defenseless. I would also suggest removing my arms to make this easier."[/color] Yuga than stood still again with her arms out, ready for Amon to attack her. [color=00aeef]"Is there anything else you would like to know from me?"[/color] Amon shook her head silently, letting out sigh as she heard the laundry list of steps, her orb spinning in front of her as she considered her first move. She had expected this to be rather easy now that Yuga was basically letting her kill her, but apparently even this strange robot was still a slave to her programming. That meant she was actually going to have to put forth an effort to kill her now. That likely meant she was going to be rather hungry soon. Amon could feel her mana eking out as she maintained the fire on the orb, finally seeming to come to decision. It seemed that the best tactic would be to go for those used often on prey much larger than herself. She'd have to go for the joints first, doubting she could simply shear the limbs off. With her tactic decided on, Amon sprinted towards her, knowing the first strike would have to be decisive, otherwise this would drag out much longer than she wanted, seeing as her reserves were already running low due to not eating in since being captured. She leap at Yuga from a distance, aiming her maw at the elbow joint on left auxiliary arm, a feral growl escaping as she flew. She hoped she could at least do some damage, with a bit of leverage at least. Her fiery orb soared at the opposite arm, the rocketing sphere having been used to crack a few skulls before, she was more sure of it's capabilities, especially when wreathed in flames used to melt locks off of many a cage back on Lucius . Body rocking back at the force of Amon crashing into her arm, Yuga had to quickly prevent her body from immediately trying to wallop Amon the moment she she hit her arms. For come reason she went after her elbow joints instead of her shoulders. Yuga stayed quiet however, figuring that Amon was just getting herself in position. Still her body was try to defend itself, so Yuga had to keep telling it that it was not suffering any sort of hostile damage. Which was difficult since the body could plainly detect Amon trying to gnaw her arms. There was some damage being done however, but it would require a bit more effort before Yuga breaks. A lot more effort. Trying to help Yuga made her auxiliary arms shoot backwards, but also close together. This way Amon could get a grasp of boths arms and try to damage them that way. [color=00aeef]"Be quick. My body is... Trying to fight back."[/color] Yuga said with a calm serenity. Amon gave a little yip as Yuga swung her arms back, body flailing for a second as she regained her footing, her hind paws firmly on the ground as her front paws were raised a bit above the ground. Amon rolled her eyes at the robots urging, finding a little trouble finding purchase to pull at offending limb. She eyed the other limb, a bit annoyed to see it unscathed, her orb having to have missed it entirely. She sighed as she realized this was going nowhere seemingly. It would happen that the first creature that wanted her to kill it would be made of metal. The gods above seemed to delight in heaping aggravations upon her. She decided it was time to alter her tactics a bit. She canceled the fire spell on her orb a she let a torrent of mana wash into her. She had always found shapeshifting an easy ruse to pull off, but she rarely changed size. Keeping her hold on the arm, her muzzle seemed to be engulfing more and more of it. With a quick movement, Amon shifted her muzzle to grab both of Yuga's hands. She kept her self from gasping as the mana burned throughout her veins. She had used up what was equivalent to about a day's worth of mana shifting her size like this, the fox behind Yuga now close to the size of a small horse. Placing her fore paws on Yuga's back, Amon pushed with them, trying to push her down as she pulled back with her jaws, attempting to rip the arms from their sockets now. Her gums were starting to bleed from the effort a bit, but Amon paid it little mind. The transformation had drained quite a bit of her remaining energy from the orb and she knew her priority after getting out of this damnable box would be finding something to replenish her stores. Yuga's body fought and struggled, both against Amon and Yuga herself, who was trying her hardest to actually allow this to happen. The best she could do was keep her body frozen in place however, hoping that Amon had the strength to finish the job herself. But sure enough there was a loud creaking noise, and soon Yuga's spare limbs were torn out from her back. Yuga stumbled forward and caught herself before falling over. Her sensors indicated heavy damage, just as she predicted. Her body turned towards Amon as alarms in her head told her of the threat before her, urging her to escape. She had a hard time fighting this feeling off as her legs themselves started to move, meaning that Yuga needed to counter these actions by moving towards Amon. Her body want to run away but Yuga made it move closer. [color=00aeef]"Good, but not enough. I'm currently over riding my body's auto-recovery right now, but any moment where I'm not actively controlling my body, it will try to run away. I am going to jump at you, grab my legs as I fly past!"[/color] Yuga jumped towards Amon, but not to attack her, but so Amon could intercept Yuga and hold her legs down. Yuga purposely missed Amon and flew past her body, hoping that Amon was quicker on the draw. Amon jerked back as the limbs tore off, quickly regaining her footing as she saw Yuga regain her footing as well. She recoiled as the taste of metal, oil, hydraulic fluid, and her own blood mingled in her mouth, quickly spitting out the distasteful limbs. She could feel a ragged tear in her muzzle where she had tore her lip a bit from rending the metal. She'd have to worry about such things later as Yuga was already making a jump past her, metallic limbs rushing by as she slept. Amon rushed to act, ignoring the pain in her mouth as she reacted, cursing as the first leg was missed by mere inches, feeling the metal bounce off of her snout and scrape across her muzzle. She had more luck however with the other leg, managing to grab a hold of...what was the equivalent of an ankle. She braced herself against the shock of a sudden stop Reactively Yuga kicked her other leg at Amon, but she stopped before she could continue. [color=00aeef]"Sorry! Hurry break it off at the joint like I showed you."[/color] Yuga helpfully dragged her finger across the area that Amon needed to strike to easily detach Yuga's leg. Her free leg was stiff, but the jerking motion it was making showed that it was trying to fight, but Yuga was holding it back. Amon nodded in assent, at least as best as she could while holding the robot down. She fought back a bark as a few of the jerks from the other leg nicked her face, a cut over her right eye opening, forcing her to close her eye as it flowed. It wasn't deep, but the flow was steady enough that she wouldn't be able to see out of it until she got it treated. Seeing the spot Yuga pointed to, Amon quickly moved to place herself above the girls abdomen, letting go of the leg after standing on her stomach, a sharp bark after she got kneed on the snout. Anger took hold as she bit down on the offending appendage, yanking her head back viciously, feeling the joint straining, a creaking issuing from it as though it begged for a reprieve from the pressure.