[img]http://www.wallpaperfo.com/thumbnails/detail/20120428/brunettes%20computers%20messy%20sleeping%20drawings%20anime%20drinks%20pen%20sayori%20neko%20works%20anime%20girls%20oekaki%20mu_www.wallpaperfo.com_16.jpg[/img] [b][u]Name:[/u][/b] Aramaki Kei [b][u]Age:[/u][/b] 16 (going on 17) [u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] Female [b][u]Height; Weight:[/u][/b] 152cm; 49.5kg [b][u]Years in Blackwing:[/u][/b] Two weeks [u][b]Apartment Number:[/b][/u] 1B [u][b]Room Description:[/b][/u] Her bedroom (the larger one) consists of a bookshelf filled with manga of all different types, two closets full of clothes, and the futon that came with the apartment. The smaller bedroom was converted into her 'office' with her computer desk, custom built PC, 60cm LCD display monitor, a large graphics tablet, with various sketches and printouts pinned to the wall on a cork board. On the opposite side of her computer desk are three shelves adorned with dolls, plushies, and figurines from various anime and video game franchises (most notably the 'Metal Gear' series which takes up a third of one shelf). The rest of the apartment is rather mundane, the living area has an entertainment center with an LCD flatscreen TV, DVD/Blu-Ray player, and surround sound system. One couch situated facing the TV and a kotatsu near the balcony with four cushions (in case she has guests over). [u][b]Odd Trait:[/b][/u] Diagnosed with Narcolepsy at age 9. [u][b]Physical Descriptions:[/b][/u] Kei is petite with subtle curves that hint at her developing body. She is notably pale due to staying indoors most often then not. She isn't particularly fit nor is she overweight, average would probably be the best description of her physique. [u][b]Background Info:[/b][/u] Kei is an orphan, or so she believes. She was adopted and raised in Nagoya, Japan by a foster family who later moved to the US in order to accommodate her foster father's work. Having spent her entire life with people watching over her she finally decided she wanted independence from her family. Many heated conversations later and Kei was allowed to live on her own at the only apartment complex that would allow a 16 year old to rent their own room. Although Kei has no income her mother secretly paid for the first three months to give Kei an opportunity to find her own way. [u][b]Other:[/b][/u] Kei is something of an otaku but mostly keeps that to herself. Her english ability is fair although her accent is still very apparent. [center] [b][KEI] [u]Relationship Chart[/u][/b] ♥ = romance|| ♦ = friends || ♠ = enemies || ○ = neutral[/center] ♦[b][u]Jin:[/u][/b] "I don't know much about him but he's letting me stay here and he's nice to me." ○[u][b]Lilly Vereen:[/b][/u] "I know she lives upstairs but that's about it." ○[u][b]Daniel Wordsworth:[/b][/u] "He lives down the hall from me. I think he has a twin sister who comes to visit sometimes." ○[u][b]Tanner Sykes:[/b][/u] "She's really pretty. I wonder if she's a model?" ○[u][b]Huo Vesta:[/b][/u] "I'm not really sure what to think about her." ○[u][b]Francis Thornton:[/b][/u] "He's super tall! He must be from a family of giants." ○[u][b]William Thornton:[/b][/u] "I guess they're brothers. He's really tall too." ○[b][u]Elaine Pender:[/u][/b] "I think her accent is French. I haven't really talked to her." ○[u][b]Amanda Källström:[/b][/u] "I heard from Jin that she's a singer but that's really all I know about her." ♥|♠[u][b]Aramaki Kei:[/b][/u] "I love making art! I just wish I didn't fall asleep at my computer so much. One of these days I'm going to delete something really important." ○[u][b]Anthony Ward:[/b][/u] "I've only seen him once so I don't really know what to say." ○[u][b]Vale H. Exen:[/b][/u] "I don't think we've met." ○[u][b]Yoska Petulengro:[/b][/u] "He has a lot of cute pets."