[h1]Balerion[/h1] Balerion was now on his last crisped mammoth carcass. He had already consumed the others quickly, not wanting to be out in the open for lengthy periods of time. They are spies and assassins everywhere and Balerion's recent atrocities would surely bring unwelcomed visitors to his land. He was just about to finish up the meal, but before he latched his jaws around the mammoth he could faint flapping of wings. Balerion paused momentarily, taking the time to peak over the horizon. It seems a few figures were approaching him, but from this distant he couldn't tell who was coming. Although, by their pace they didn't seem hostile. Balerion however decided to finish up his meal before a potential confrontation takes place. He turns back towards the mammoth and takes the entire thing in his jaws, lifting his neck up and swallowing the mammal whole. It was then that the four mystery dragons landed, taking the attention of Balerion who turned around slowly. The carcass could be seen in his throat, slowly moving its way down. Balerion licked his lips, now knowing who in front of him. "Much time has passed indeed, Drumagth, a pleasure as always. By all means," Balerion stated. "You may enter through my lands without fear of me. You've earned my respect many years ago, friend." There was a small pause before Balerion continued, "News? What news brings the mighty Drumagth to my realm?"