Meesei nodded to Sabine. "Good, good. It would likely be best if we started right away. I am sure what you will make will be most helpful." She said, making sure to alter the appearance of what Sabine intended to do to anyone listening in. "We should be sure to speak again later, Vera. Be sure to be attentive to everything Vera shows you today, Kaleeth. To keep this place secure, we will need as strong of an understanding of the details of the clan as we can manage." Standing up, Meesei took Rhazii from Kaleeth, then looked to Sabine. "Come, let us go. If the scholars are not down there already, they should be soon." Last time Harriet asked to spar, Lorag was anxious for the chance to fight, but now, he was obviously less receptive. It wasn't that he didn't want to fight; he would normally jump on the opportunity, but since he had an important task, he felt he needed to be as close to his best as possible at all times. He still felt he could beat Harriet in this duel, but last time, the fight left him tired and wounded. If she was the traitor, he didn't want her taking advantage of that. Once they were in the hall between the chambers, Lorag spoke in a serious tone. "Look, ask me any time after all this is over and I'll beat you down in a heartbeat, but now, we got to be serious. You know this is important, and we got to be alert for it all. Meesei said for you lieutenants to show us around and teach us what you do here, right? So do that. It's boring, but we can put up with it."