[center][img]http://i61.tinypic.com/dgq9th.jpg[/img][/center] [center][i]"I'll go to hell and back to keep you safe"[/i][/center] Name: Ben Warren Age: 19 Gender: Male Class: 4-B Personality: Shortly after arriving, Ben was quickly nicknamed by his close friends and classmates as the school "Guard Dog", do to his fiercely loyal and somewhat territorial nature. Furthermore, this point is accentuated by the fact that he is immensely overprotective of friends and those he cares deeply for. However, this is to say that he is only protective of a small circle of people as he doesn't give away his trust easily. He has many acquaintances, but few true friends. Due to being an expat from America and the stereotypes associated with it, he made sure to put forth extra effort to learn the language and be respectful towards everyone, but he for certain expects respect in return and nothing less. Respect is a two-way street. Also, Ben is extremely competitive, passionate, somewhat aggressive, confident and intensely athletic. Unfortunately though, he has to be very wary about certain things. as he suffers from hemophilia. Despite his tough exterior, he has a weakness for anything and anyone that he deems cute. Background: Despite having been born in Boston, he didn't actually spend much of his time there. He lived the life of a military brat with his mother and father who were both in the military. His father, more so than his mother, was extremely stoic and stern, and like father like son, overprotective as well. He made sure to have Ben become very physically active so he could protect himself, and as they moved from place to place, Ben became in involved with boxing, fencing, swimming, and basketball. Shortly after his 13th birthday, his father was stationed in Japan, and naturally, Ben had to move there as well. Although leery at first of his new found home, he became enthralled in the culture and the people and as this place has been the longest place he had ever lived at one time, he soon began to feel as though he finally belonged. Skills: Ben is incredibly athletic, specifically being very skilled in boxing, fencing, basketball, and swimming. As the Captain of the swim team, he similarly takes after his father and is very stern with his team, but protective of them and tries not to allow his leadership role to go to his head. He developed a good sense of street smarts due to moving around so often, but is somewhat impulsive, so often he isn't the one who can do things easily like solving riddles, planning ahead, and developing strategies and the like. And he is somewhat average in academics. Weapons: N/A Relationships/Friendships: -Paneru Yagyū: Of all the students, he immediately found himself drawn to the freshman and took a sudden and affectionate liking to him. In such a short amount of time, the two became very friendly and he is extremely protective of him, perhaps to a fault. Other: He is a hemophiliac. (They ate Shoske) [center][b][u]THIS CHARACTER IS MY UNIQUE NPC.[/u][/b][/center]