[quote=@Gentlemanvaultboy] A supposedly big name crew, associated with the former pirate king, announce their presence in Loguetown, the entrance to the Grand Line, an island that has a military base on it, and don't expect Marine intervention? [/quote] You can bet John is gonna be there ;) [quote=@Eklispe] Funny i thought this RP said casual not tryhard advanced XD. I don't think justification is really necassary for everything espcially in something like one piece. Can't we forgive a few plot holes here and there? [/quote] I don't think it's "tryhard advanced" to want to know where my character, who is currently a marine, is in relation to where the GM wants him to be... I think it's kind of hard for me to write otherwise... And yes inconsistencies can be overlooked, but let's be honest it'll be a more entertaining and satisfying RP if we at least keep it coherent :D