[h2][color=662d91]Edo-Beatrix[/color][/h2] The tan woman picked herself up slightly, leaning against a wall while holding her ribs. [color=662d91]"You could've killed me Grade, you prick,"[/color] she muttered to herself. The thought came to her to try and attack Mayt again, this time with the element of surprise. His attention was on Grade, and even though she was injured a surprise attack could still yield positive results. But she knew if she messed up that Mayt could easily kill her with his magic. Edo-Beatrix didn't feel like dying, so she resigned herself to sit on the sidelines. The large and armored Grade, however, was in the thick of it. Even without his sword he was able to pose a challenge for Edo-Damien. While Mayt, with sword now drawn, loomed nearby and waited for an opening for a surprise attack, Grade continued dividing his attention between the two of them. [color=1a7b30]"It is not I that is dancing with death,"[/color] Grade responded to Edo-Damien's comment. [color=1a7b30]"Rather it is all of you."[/color] The armored foe lifted his left leg and slammed it into the ground. The shockwave devastated the tile and possibly affected Edo-Damien and Mayt's footing. But the primary purpose was to free his sword. With his blade in hand again, Grade held it high in preparation for an overhead strike. [color=1a7b30]"The death that I grant is more merciful than that of my comrades,"[/color] he spoke before swinging downwards. While the attack itself was fundamentally easy to avoid for anyone that is fast enough, it was the power behind it that made the attack fearsome. [color=1a7b30]"Those that do not die to my blade will face a more painful death from my master."[/color] As he prepared another powerful slash, Grade suddenly stopped mid-swing. Back at the other group, the silent twin moved around the smoke to take a different vantage point. His inclusion turned a two-sided battle into three. He wanted to kill the Queen just as much as Phoenix Wing did, but he also wanted to kill Phoenix Wing as much as the Queen did. Wasting no time, the assassin drew a bottle of oil and threw it on the ground in the smoke. The glass shattered and the slick covered the ground underneath everyone's feet. While the oil was slippery and the floor now had broken glass covering it, the biggest danger came from the weapon the silent man drew. A flare. After lighting the flame, he rolled it into the smoke, letting the oil-covered floor ignite into flame. Cooking Phoenix Wing and the Queen at the same time would be a glorious feat, and surely a funny tale for the future. Granted he never talked. His intent to kill, however, was more than enough for words as he began to draw more knives to toss at the do-gooders. However he froze before he could fling any as he heard a faint but familiar sound in the distance. [h2][color=red]Edo-Maddox[/color] and [color=92278f]Beatrix[/color][/h2] Slowly but surely, the sound of heavy wingbeats began to come down over the capital city. Both Grade and the silent assassin heard it and glanced towards the sky, already knowing but wishing to confirm what it was. Two dozen Legions were approaching, each one with several armed assassins on top. Most notably, and perhaps the most terrifying part, was what they were carrying. They all flew in a circle formation and each had a body harness with a chain that stretched down to White Hydras newest project. A massive cannon was being lifted in such fashion by these Legions. Despite the quantity of Legions, they still flew low and slow from the sheer size of the weapon. Once the horde of flying creatures reached a cliff overlooking the capital city, they finally set the cannon down with a resounding thud that echoed across the city. The goons quickly jumped down and detached the cannon from their Legions, granting them their mobility again. While most of the Legions landed nearby the cannon, one remained in the air. Edo-Maddox's Legion flew low enough for him to speak to his men. [color=red]"Carry out the plan. Align the cannon properly and defend this position with your lives."[/color] His eyes went over to Earthland's Beatrix, whom was on the ground and surrounded by guards. [color=red]"Keep her here. I will return in a few minutes to fire the Dragon Chain Cannon. I must collect the magic first. There should be enough from our prisoner to at least aim it properly..."[/color] With that his Legion flew away, over the city and towards the location of all the combat. On the ground, Grade smirked under his helmet. [color=1a7b30]"It would seem that time is up,"[/color] he noted. [color=1a7b30]"I think it's about time for me to get out of this city."[/color] The silent assassin by the other group said nothing and instead resumed his deadly barrage of knives. Edo-Beatrix, on the other hand, had a grin on her face. She found the motivation to stand back up and proceeded to do so, stepping forward across the damaged courtyard. [color=662d91]"Ha! You all thought you stood a chance!"[/color] she proclaimed towards Mayt and Edo-Damien. [color=662d91]"Now you all get to die!"[/color] Before she could start laughing in preemptive victory, there was a thud sound behind her. Turning around, Edo-Maddox had fallen out of the sky and landed only several meters behind her. Completely unharmed, apparently. As his Legion began circling in the sky, Edo-Beatrix turned to face him. [color=662d91]"Maddox! We were just about to-"[/color] [color=red]"You're still alive?"[/color] The color began to drain from her face and the smile began to reverse. Underneath his helmet, Grade raised an eyebrow as he too faced his master. [color=662d91]"Y-yes I'm still alive. Of course I am. You didn't think that some petty guild could beat me, right?"[/color] Edo-Maddox's expression didn't change. He seemed to be staring into her soul. [color=red]"I didn't need any scouting force,"[/color] he confessed, confirming Grade's suspicion. [color=red]"I never cared about what the opposition has in store. It doesn't matter what they can do and I knew that from the start. I sent you on this mission to die."[/color] Once the words left his mouth, Edo-Beatrix seemed stunned. Even Grade seemed taken aback, despite his own hatred for the girl. Before Edo-Beatrix could begin talking, Edo-Maddox continued. [color=red]"I made you the leader of the force to make you a more desirable target. It seems that you cannot even die properly."[/color] A silence drifted over the courtyard. [color=662d91]"Y-you're joking, right? I know you're terrible at jokes. But listen, I messed up with the killing them thing but I can make it up to you,"[/color] Edo-Beatrix began to plead. She was in complete denial of what was being said. [color=662d91]"I can kill them right now for you. Yes, that'll do it. That way you can witness my success."[/color] An attempt at a smile appeared on her face, though Edo-Maddox didn't falter. There was an obvious tension in the air as a killing intent began to rise. [color=662d91]"That'll make you happy, won't it Maddox? Here, I'll do it right n-"[/color] A fist impacted the center of her chest, sending her flying backwards like a rocket. She crashed into the outer wall, smashing completely through it and landing outside in the street among the rubble. Edo-Maddox withdrew his fist calmly and tapped his staff against the ground once. He looked over to Grade. Though it was hard to see his expression behind the helmet, Grade seemed mortified. He hated Edo-Beatrix with a passion, but he never expected Edo-Maddox himself would ever attack her. She had always been the most unquestioningly loyal member of White Hydra, specifically to Edo-Maddox more so than the guild. [color=red]"We are entering an age where there will be no dead weight,"[/color] Edo-Maddox announced, his voice perfectly calm. [color=red]"The strong survive... the weak perish..."[/color] He looked over at Edo-Damien and Mayt now. [color=red]"You..."[/color] Edo-Maddox pointed towards Edo-Damien with his staff. [color=red]"That's a face I never thought I'd see again. I remember you. Could've sworn you died. It seems that I [I]do[/I] make mistakes every once in a while."[/color] Now his gaze shifted to Grade again. [color=red]"If you want to live, I would suggest you leave, Grade. Considering your opponents are still alive, I'm starting to question your worth as well..."[/color] Outside the courtyard, across the street, Edo-Beatrix leaned herself against a wall. Blood was trickling from her lips and her eyes seemed as if she was in a daze. [color=662d91][I]My heart,[/I][/color] she thought to herself. [color=662d91][I]It's stopped beating.[/I][/color] Her grayed-out eyes looked over to the courtyard. She could still see everyone, as the wall had been destroyed by her being flung through it. [color=662d91][I]I never really wanted this. It was all just an act. A lie I told myself.[/I] [I]I hated everyone in that guild. White Hydra is the worst, but I suffered through it. I knew one day I would get out...[/I][/color] Her eyes locked onto Edo-Maddox. [color=662d91][I]But I never thought it would be like this.[/I][/color] A sharp pain went through her chest, causing her to flinch. When she opened her eyes again she saw Edo-Maddox was now talking to Grade. [color=662d91][I]I never wanted to be a killer. Somewhere, deep down inside me, I thought I could change things. But now I never will.[/I][/color] The tan woman coughed up some more blood. [color=662d91][I]All I wanted... was to see you smile again. Like you used to...[/I][/color] The world around Edo-Beatrix began to fade away, leaving her alone and bloody in a realm of white nothingness. [color=662d91][I]I'm really dying. After leading such a terrible life...[/I][/color] The tan woman slowly closed her eyes. [color=662d91][I]I did everything I could. I first tried to change him back by going against him. Then I tried appeasing him. In the end I never could fix Maddox. I was foolish to think he could ever be happy...[/I][/color] With her last breath, Edo-Beatrix murmured her final words. [color=662d91]"I'm sorry..."[/color] Edo-Beatrix slid sideways off the wall now, laying lifelessly on the ground. Edo-Maddox saw it from the corner of his eye, confirming her death for himself. [color=red]"So..."[/color] His eyes shifted between Edo-Damien and Mayt. [color=red]"The two of you are going to attack me, for your own reasons, and hope that you can overpower me, defeat my guild, and save Edolas from a future of tyranny. The reality is that I will kill you,"[/color] he pointed at Edo-Damien, [color=red]"and take your magic after beating you within an inch of your life,"[/color] he pointed at Mayt. [color=red]"Your friends that will come to help in a moment will meet similar fates. Everything you ever accomplished in your lives becomes meaningless with your ultimate defeat. No past, no present, and no future."[/color] [color=red]"Now it is time."[/color] Edo-Maddox began twirling his staff, before pointing it at Mayt. [color=red]"The only chance at having a future is taking away mine. It is too late to submit, too late to repent. You either die by my hand..."[/color] His eyes glanced over his shoulder, as if he was looking through the town into the distance. [color=red]"Or you get crushed underneath the former kingdom of Extalia..."[/color] He returned his gaze forward. [color=red]"This is what battle is about, isn't it? None of those silly games with no wager or threat. You kill or you die. [I]That[/I] is the way. That will be the future of Edolas."[/color] [h2][color=ed1c24]Maddox[/color][/h2] The red-haired mage nodded, even though James couldn't see him through the lacrima. [color=ed1c24]"Yeah, we'll regroup at the train station. There's nothing we can do for the Council now so we should focus on the guild."[/color] Maddox looked at Nori on the ground now. What should they do with the spider-dog? [color=ed1c24]"Let's bring this guy with us for now. If his owner did get taken by the Anima then he has nowhere to go for now."[/color] He pocketed the lacrima again and began walking to the train station. [color=ed1c24]"I think we should just teleport. You have one and perhaps there is more. I might have enough magic to cover the difference if we're short..."[/color]