[b]Name[/b]: Gale Nathbakk [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Age[/b]: 17 [b]Species[/b]: Feral (Bat) [b]Birthday[/b]: October 13 [b]Blood Type[/b]: AB (Positive) [b]Height[/b]: 4'9" [b]Weight[/b]: 116 lbs. [b]Measurements[/b]: 32B-23-34 [b]Likes[/b]: Nighttime, fruit, Brandy Station, Ash, napping, the Nathbakk family, piano music, puffy vests and boots, gliding around with her weak wings, picking flowers, watching horror movies, destroying anything involved with lawful authority or royalty, playing peek-a-boo, making her pompadour-like hair as fluffy as can be. [b]Dislikes[/b]: Daytime, the Renoirs, police, Cirque des Cartes, losing her temper, talking, anything incredibly loud, crowds, other Medici affiliates, rival legbreakers, guns, being teased for her height, chocolate, meat, weeds, swimming, dogs and cats, lack of respect, impatience, being kept away from Ash. [b]Parasite/Living Weapon[/b]: [b][u]Brandy Station[/u][/b] - A living sabre with a thin silver hilt and a curved obsidian blade that alone measures up to at least 72 inches. Wielded by Gale, the sword possesses half of the wielder via their fighting will and makes them an adept swordsman, becoming so precise that they can slice through a speeding bullet with ease. Though the sword's wielder is possessed, he or she is aware of their surroundings and able to control the living weapon with ease so long as the synchronization is stable. If the wielder loses control of their temper and attacks with all of the anger within their heart, the sword's abilities correspond with the emotions and enters a berserker mode, a very dangerous state that could drive the user insane or, in the worst scenario, could kill them from the energy used. When in use, the sword takes on a faint yellow glow, and the hilt becomes burning hot if touched by anyone other than its user as a defense mechanism. The last known wielder, Gale's father, was nearly killed due to the weapon's extreme abilities, and, as a safety precaution to keep the future Nathbakk generations out of danger, retired the sword. It had been sitting on top of the fireplace within the family's living room on a rack and in its sheath until Gale became its user to assist her in battle. While Gale is possessed, her voice has a garbled, static accent. Brandy's voice, however, is audible static that only parasites and other living weapons can understand. [b]Apperance[/b]: As shown by the measurements, Gale is incredibly short for her age, and she was even the shortest amongst her family. Maintaining a rather intimidating and menacing apperance, the feral sports not only a purple pompadour that she has almost perfected and purple lipstick, but snakebite lip piercings, a diamond nose stud that she happened to steal, black pearl earrings, and a red bandana with a single black 'X' over her left eye. The bandana keeps Gale's blind eyes under wraps, and though her sight is gone, her eyes possess the ability to act as lights, often appearing at an intensity of about your average flashlight. The only time Gale's eyes ever show is when she's illuminating an area for the courtesy of others or if she's using them within a fight. The intensity of her light can grow so strong that it is able to permanently blind people, but doing so would burn her eyes out for weeks and would require meticulous care to heal. Instead, they only grow bright enough to temporarily blind an opponent for about ten seconds. When the bandana is off and the light is not being used, her eyes appear empty and ghost-like with the whites being replaced by a bright yellow and the pupils a dark red color. Her usual attire includes a charcoal black down vest with four main sections, a red turtleneck with no sleeves that was tailored to expose her stomach, a black mini skirt, and white knee-high boots that have been tinted pink from the stains of blood caused by her job as a hitman. Her skin is a fair peach color though she does not like daytime because she has to travel out during the early hours to run "errands" for the mafia. Because she is a bat feral, Gale possesses two distinctive traits that immediately give away her bat genes: her freakishly large, black bat ears and her rather small bat wings that only stretch out to the ends of her shoulders. Given that her lack of sight has hindered her senses, it also increased the strength of her hearing and the other senses, explaining why she cannot handle loud sounds. Her bat wings are too weak and too small to allow her to properly fly like a bat, so she can only glide a few feet off the ground before having to land. Given that her strong points are not only precision but speed, her legs are incredibly toned from sprinting around like a maniac, but her arms are lacking in the muscle department. [hider]Headshot of Gale drawn by me, wowow. [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/IMnnOkS.png[/IMG][/hider] [b]Biography[/b]: Gale was born and lived in the outskirts of Little Innsmouth with her family, and that little bat family of hers consisted of the father, Drac Nathbakk, her mother, Rhine Nathbakk, and her younger twin brothers, Rush and Caine. The Nathbakk family was notorious for possessing incredible speed and hearing to make up for no vision, and though there were frequent robberies in their neighborhood, no thief had succeeded in penetrating their home. The mother and father were so bent on not only protecting their property but their offspring, that no criminal had succeeded in advancing at least four feet before either being killed in cold blood by the father or being chased out by the duo. Upon the arrival of the two twin brothers, who the doctor had predicted would die at birth, Drac taught Gale how to defend and fight through means of strictly her hands and her environment to defend their precious family. After weeks of strenuous training, her father strengthened her vocal chords and taught her to screech like a true bat to navigate her surroundings, and she soon perfected the art of navigation through echolocation and her hearing, allowing her to create a mental map within her mind of her area. By age seven, Gale was an incredibly strong fighter as her brothers grew to be adept fighters as well. Throughout the years, the family lived in harmony and maintained their intimidating reputation, but on Gale's fifteenth birthday, life threw her the biggest curveball that a juvenile bat chick could ever ask for. On the day of her birthday, Gale had come down with a cold. Though she was sick, her family wished her a happy birthday and gave her the biggest fruit buffet that she could've dreamed of. After a few hours of festivities, her mother and father along with the twins notified her that they would be back with a present that all four of them had been saving up for. As Gale lay in bed, sick but excited for the return of her family, a shootout was taking place within New Meridian between the crooked policemen whose strings were being pulled by the mafia and the Black Egrets. Caught in the crossfire, the four ferals were all fatally wounded, and their injuries halted the entirety of the fight. As the policemen took their leave, the remaining Egrets worked to keep the family alive, but their efforts were for naught. The twins had passed within seconds of the bullets penetrating them, and the mother had finally bled to death in the arms of Drac, who had been shot at least five times in the chest. Rushed to the nearest hospital in critical condition, the father soon succumbed due to the shock of the nightmarish situation. Gale, blissfully unaware of her family's demise, woke up after hearing the faint knocks at the door of her little home. Filled with energy, she rushed to the door and prepared to greet who she thought would be there, but her smile fell slightly at the sight of a rather tall Egret, the exact one whose bullets had pierced her father's chest. After a few minutes of explanation and the news that the four ferals had passed, the news began to slowly sink in within Gale's heart and caused her to snap within that very moment. Filled with an uncontrollable rage, Gale was charged with first-degree murder that very night for the death of the messenger. The Medicis, who had been aware of the family's power for ages, had purposely caused the death of the Nathbakks to give Gale a reason to join as one of their many personal hitmen. After pulling a few strings and having her freed, she immediately joined the ranks of the mafia to obliterate any lawful authority within the kingdom, especially anyone affiliated with the Renoirs. Taking on the title as the wielder of Brandy Station, Gale sold the house as a way to ease her heartache and began to train relentlessly with the living weapon. The heartache and anger soon gave way to emptiness, and for about two years, Gale has been devoid of all emotion. Though she is unaware, her malice and somberness is let out through her fighting style, quickly and mercilessly. Her closest friend, Ash, who had been taken into the family in Gale's late teen years as the only Gigan in Little Innsmouth and had adopted the Nathbakk name, joined her as her partner in the mafia. Ash is the only person in Gale's life that can make her smile and feel safe without fail, causing Gale to grow incredibly protective and possessive of her. The two are currently residing in a small apartment right outside of New Merdian and carry out the latest hits given to them by the head of the mafia. [b]Special Attacks/Blockbusters[/b]: [u][b]Dasher's Slash (Level One)[/b][/u] - Multiple quick slashes from Brandy Station's blade that knock the opponent far away from the wielder due to the immense power. [hider][url=https://youtu.be/78faUc8QoE4?t=4m9s]Reference[/url][/hider] [b][u]Bat Breaker (Level Two)[/u][/b] - Gale takes the opponent over her shoulders with her rather weak muscles, and though struggling to hold them up in the air, successfully bends his or her body to the point that it feels like their spine is going to break and delivers three hits before throwing them back to the ground. Deals an immense amount of damage. [hider][url=http://youtu.be/78faUc8QoE4?t=8m]Reference[/url][/hider] [b][u]Bat Berserker (Level Two)[/u][/b] - Brief period of time where Gale and Brandy Station enter a berserker mode where speed and strength has increased. Attacks become slightly slower due to increased power. [u][b]Nathbakk Frenzy (Level Three)[/b][/u] - A speedy blockbuster that begins with a direct blow to the face followed by a flurry of quick, powerful kicks delivered to the opponent's shins to throw them off balance and kick them a fair distance. [hider][url=http://youtu.be/78faUc8QoE4?t=7m8s]Reference[/url][/hider] [u][b]Radiant Rays (Level One/Five -- AIR OK)[/b][/u] - Depending on how much energy (bars) one has, Gale's eyes deliver powerful rays that knock the opponent back. Level one is a medium-sized ray that appears similar to UV light that leaves the opponent burned but standing. Level five is a gargantuan beam that appears as a scorching laser and results in a hard knockdown. [b]__[/b] Will make my second character tomorrow. Remember that Skullgirls is full of references. Like, everywhere, so don't be afraid to base your attacks on other fighting game moves. Also, though it was not listed, please make sure you specify what species your character is, and when stating birthdays, refrain from listing a specific year.