[Edo-Damian] Damian kept a straight face through Maddox's entire speech, waiting until the bastard had finished speaking to say his part. [color=Red]"Maddox Coulburn, infamous leader of the assassin guild White Hydra. How's the side? The one James cut open during our fight four years ago?"[/color] The miniscule change in facial expression from Maddox was enough for Damian. [color=Red]"First I'd like to clear something up. I don't give a damn what happens to the kingdom, or to Edolas. For four years, I've trained and taken jobs of all sorts, just so you and I would meet again. This fight you and I are about to have? This is for killing the one man in this world who understood me, for killing my brother."[/color] Hefting his large blade up, Damian rushed forward and pulled back his fist, a strange blue light surrounding it. As he swung for the man's chest, he spoke three words. "Dragon's Hammer fist." The blow connected and sent the leader of White Hydra flying into the wall behind him. He spun the claymore, which was also absorbed in a blue light, and swung down, the light arcing and flying after the man. "Claymore's Chi edge." Whether or not the second attack connected, Damian didn't wait for, he stood straight and placed the claymore on his shoulder. [color=Red]"For over a hundred years, people, not many, but some, have been searching for an alternative to the magic King Jelal sent to Earthland when his father was finally defeated. My family, dating back to about six months after the event, has been among them. As a result, we discovered the body's natural energy, or Chi. We learned how to harness it and use it. It turned us into perfect weapons and workers, gave us incredible strength. When we met four years ago, I didn't think I'd need to use any of my family's techniques. I won't make that mistake today."[/color] [James] [color=Navy]"I'm afraid I"m going to insist on the train. We've all already paid for our tickets and most of the remaining guild members are on it."[/color] Not to mention he could hear the exhaustion in Maddox's voice, though he wouldn't point that out if he could help it. [color=Navy]"Besides, the three of us could get to know each other better."[/color]