[center] AKIZA “Er…I’m fine with that, it’s your home after all but,” she answered, her tone hesitant as she eyed the duck as if it would lash out at her at any moment, “I won’t have to take care of that thing though, right? I think it hates me.” [i] And the feeling is mutual.[/i] she thought to herself, watching as the thing was handed more bread crumbs by Daisuke. It had the sharpest teeth she had ever seen on a duck. That automatically put the duck near the top of her list of animals she wanted to stay away from. Then, to her horror, it turned its chilling gaze onto her and stared straight into her eyes. Akiza could practically feel the hatred rolling off of the duck in waves, which sounded ridiculous, but she had seen stranger things tonight. Maybe it was finally getting to her. The duck lifted its wings, or at least tried to lift the injured one but it was being held down by the men, and it started hissing at her and Shou. The beast looked like it was getting ready to fight them and Akiza just wanted to leave. Sadly, before she could ditch the guys, the duck flung itself at Shou and tried to bite the doctor who had been tending to the wounded wing. “Eeeeeh!” she screeched out of surprise, and nearly stumbled over when she backed away. GIIMA He paused in the middle of writing his math problem, frowning when he heard a woman’s scream come from downstairs. “Was that,” he took a moment to remember name of the girl who learned their secret earlier, “Akiza, yeah, Akiza…was that her yelling just now?” She sounded freaked out and hoped that scream was from seeing another transformation. Or someone returning back to normal…most girls screamed when naked men appeared out of nowhere, right? “Who’s Akiza?” asked a puzzled Natsuki, which reminded Giima that his best friend had climbed through his window pretending to be the superhero spendidSTAR so he would not have had an opportunity to meet her. “Oh, our new housekeeper. Uh, she was hired today. I think she starts tomorrow? Or something.” he answered, then turned to Reiko and gave her a pleading look to go check on the situation downstairs. There was no way he was letting Natsuki downstairs if someone did transform but leaving him alone with a female zodiac member was a horrible idea, so Giima would have to stay here with him while she snooped around downstairs. Reiko rolled her eyes at him. “I’ll go see what they’re doing.” She agreed easily, and Giima could tell that she was relieved to have an excuse to take a break from studying calculus. [/center]