[h1]Balerion[/h1] "I was not given an invitation..." Balerion mentioned quietly as he watched the other dragons with Drumagth land. "...The Rose," mumbled the black wyrm. "I know of it well. It seems as if an eon has gone by since I last seen its hellish petals. I fought alongside Rylarth against Corruption, as you may already know." Balerion would shortly say, recalling his past. "This is a lot you are asking of me, Drumagth... but I know the Rose's power better than almost anyone. I know what it is capable of, the power it has locked away. Too once again see the horrors of that war, I would see it destroyed once and for all." The Black Dread would then eye Drumagth with a queer eye, the second part of his message was much more of a harder question to answer. "Smaug? Ha, I did not think that was ever possible." He then stopped to gather everything that was said, but he quickly gave a small response to allow him some needed time, "Give me a moment," replied Balerion. A few seconds would pass and Balerion quickly continued, "You are not the only one to question the Order, Drumagth." He said, implying that he himself never truly trusted them for rather obvious reason. "Very well. I shall lend you my wings, but do not dare mention this to anyone. For if the Order found out that my allegiance was no longer a sure thing, they would surely see to my end, albeit if they are brave enough to approach my land..."