[h2][center][color=springgreen]Edolas[/color][/center][/h2] [center][url=http://tektek.org/av/1840550][img]http://imagizer.imageshack.com/img540/2584/ZkROIV.png[/img][/url] [b][i]Edo-Karn Interacting: Edo-Jamie, Edo-Angelica, Edo-Trinity, Liana, Pen[/i][/b][/center] Smirking as the electrified nets caught the false queen but soon frowned as they saw a white legion swoop down and hook it's claws onto Edo-Jamie, they cursed slightly before glancing their emerald eyes around at something breaking. Glancing down to see a oily substance, they gave a groan. [color=Springgreen]"Not my day."[/color] they grumbled before the blonde quickly reacted. Karate chopping the false queen in the neck to knock her out before wrapping their legs around the body. Raising their gloved hands, their right glove shot out several wires and went up and firmly wrapped themself around one of the white legion's ankles. The left shot out wires and wrapped themselves around Liana and Edo-Trinity. Pulling them closer as the right pair of wires pulled them upward to the legion, just as the ground went ablaze. But the barrage of knives was too fast too fully avoid with four bodies so Edo-Karn cursed again, pulling their left arm up and practically swinging/throwing their two Guildmembers right on top of the legion. Body quickly turning to protect the false queen as the knives rang out. Four stabbing the blonde in the back. One in the right shoulder, the upper left, almost the center, and the bottom left. Gritting their teeth in pain, Edo-Karn pulled themself up to the flying legion's foot. The left gloves wires releasing their companions after Edo-Karn they were up there with Sasha. Perhaps not the best place for them with Edo-Pen still there but there was several things needing attention at the moment. Gasping a little, feeling the familiar taste of blood well in their mouth, a trickle escaping the corner of their lip as the red glow on their chest was flashing faster now. Ignoring it, demanding their body needed to keep going, Edo-Karn pulled the gun from their belt, eyes narrowing toward the twin as the end of it glowed. The wires glowing a faint red now. [color=springgreen]"Number XVII Beast Shot."[/color] They muttered before firing, a large red blast shooting out toward their other attacker. Flinching against as they gripped the red orb on their metal plated chest, they had the wires return into the gloves before placing a round object on the legions foot. Letting out a shocked pulse to release Edo-Jamie. Quickly, Edo-Karn grabbed the master by the arm and pulled them up before standing and holding the queen under their right arm and jumping up on top of the legion. Grunting, the blonde pried the knives from their back, fresh blood trickling along it now, seeming to only increase the pace of the flashing light. Glancing over, they saw the massive cannon and Edo-Maddox confronting Edo-Damian and Mayt. Grumbling, Edo-Karn turned their emerald eyes to Edo-Pen, narrowing. Thinking on what to do. It was obvious, Edo-Maddox and that cannon held a bit more priority now. The whole city was in danger and there was still plenty of innocent civilians. Not a lot of people may not give a shit about them, but Edo-Karn did. As part of Phoenix Wing, they were always willing to not kill and save those in need. Even this bloody bitch false queen. [color=springgreen]"Listen Hotrod, as much as I would like to punch you for being a power hungry lunatic, the other power hungry lunatic is kinda pointing a death weapon at the city. I know I'm good, but I don't feel like a four way brawl with that thing around."[/color] they said sarcastically before glancing to Sasha then spat out a blob of blood before waiting for the master to climb up. Time was running out. And the battle didn't seem to be close to ending. [color=springgreen]"Orders GM? Cause I'm thinking of heading to the giant cannon. Unless you want me to help out on Hotrod and Twiddledee here. Or Viper down there."[/color] they asked.