CS [hider=Anthony Ward] [b][u]Name:[/u][/b] Anthony Ward [b][u]Age:[/u][/b] 23 [u][b]Gender: [/b][/u] Male [b][u]Height;Weight:[/u][/b] 6'8; 202lbs [b][u]Years in Blackwing:[/u][/b] Five [u][b]Apartment Number:[/b][/u] 3D [u][b]Room Description:[/b][/u] His apartment is his realm of existence. As it is the place where he spends almost every hour of everyday, it is often slightly disorganized, though still most often considerably clean. Anthony uses the large bedroom as a work space with shelves of books and reference material in the closets and on one half of the room, the rest of the space is home to a small desk and computer. His actual bedroom is rather utilitarian in layout with just a bed, nightstand, and dresser. The kitchen is often fully stocked with healthy foods and bottles of water. The large open area in the apartment is essentially a living room/ entertainment area, that are segregated by folding dividers, that make the areas feel smaller. Each house a couch and coffee table, the living room area has a television as well, where as the the other area houses bookshelves filled with novels, movies, videogames, and board games. [u][b]Odd Trait:[/b][/u] Agoraphobic. Anthony has a rather crippling fear of open areas, and thus tends to stay confined to his room, or at the most the apartment complex. [u][b]Physical Descriptions:[/b][/u] [img]http://31.media.tumblr.com/49bc45123bf236a81de64b4bdff0c990/tumblr_mxz138zmfR1s4lxk6o1_500.jpg[/img] [u][b]Background Info:[/b][/u] Anthony is a some what successful business advisor, that works from his home office. In general he is a good natured person, and is more than willing to help people out. At times of high stress his fear becomes much worse and he often isolates himself in the smallest near confined space that he can fit in. [u][b]Other:[/b][/u] Despite his agoraphobia he is still extremely social. Also, if ever outside tends to wear a full-length tan trench coat claiming it makes him feel more inclosed. Enjoys crowds (makes everything seem smaller, easier to cope with). [/hider] [hider=Relationship Chart][center] Relationship Chart ♥ = romance|| ♦ = friends || ♠ = enemies || ○ = neutral[/center] [b][u]Jin:[/u][/b] ♦||○ A rather nice gentleman who appears to enjoy helping others. [u][b]Lilly Vereen:[/b][/u] ○||♦ When I do encounter her she is always pleasant. [u][b]Daniel Wordsworth:[/b][/u] ○ [s]He[/s]... [s]She[/s]... Whichever Daniel identifies as, seems extremely nice and fairly fashionable. [u][b]Tanner Sykes:[/b][/u] ○ I can't recall talking to her too often. [u][b]Huo Vesta:[/b][/u] ○||♦ She is nice most of the time, though sometimes she seems to act a tad different. Oh well, we all have a few eccentricities. [u][b]Francis Thorton:[/b][/u] ○ Seems quite the smart fellow. I was never the best with physics. [u][b]William Thorton:[/b][/u] ○ I don't think I've had the pleasure of meeting him yet. [b][u]Elaine Pender:[/u][/b] ○ Seems pleasant. Maybe I should invite Ms. Pender and her fiance over sometime. [u][b]Amanda Källström:[/b][/u] ○ On an occasion or two I have passed her apartment, and heard her playing the guitar and singing. Seems rather talented. [u][b]Aramaki Kei:[/b][/u] ○ The new tenant on the first floor? She seems rather young, though I'm certain she'll be fine here. [u][b]Vale H. Exen:[/b][/u] ○||♦ Not a bad fellow, I've had a few amiable conversations with him. He seems in better sorts now, than when he first showed up. [u][b]Yoska Petulengro:[/b][/u] ○ Haven't talked to him. Seems kind of wary of me. Maybe the others too? I don't know.[/hider]