[h2]Scolopendra[/h2] After Graguth left its land, the black serpent decided to linger in the area for just a bit longer. It stared at the body gnawed up by the dragons unique fire, the remaining corpses and the scorched earth where the fire burned, earlier. Deep in thought, Scol cared little about its followers slowly increasing in numbers to witness the rare sight of their god-like entity. The hydra remained for almost an hour, at which point a caravan of cultists began their journey from the Serpent's Temple to this very location, accompanied by the oracle itself. Scolopendra had sent images of the meeting with Graguth to its subordinate, and expressed the order for them to pick up the ashes of the odd fire, to preserve it until further notice. The same moment said caravan was set into motion, Scolopendra retreated from the borders of its land, towards the shores and its hidden cave system. The trail of destroyed fauna describing this little journey would likely be visible for a year or two, before the rapidly healing jungle would swallow every trace of it.