"Your forest is right. I am the end to all things beautiful. To create room for the new." Hale picked up a small pile of leaves as watched them turn to mulch in his hands. "But I'm, not here to kill you nor nature." Hale grinned, "The time has come for humans to go. Or so my good friend tells me." Hale pointed in the direction he came from. "I return from the wild lands of northern Canada, where many wolves live far from human comforts. I found and convinced half a gross of natures warriors to come and hunt the streets of Kilo Point, on invitation of the elder vampire and my good friend Magnus. I even managed to find a large group of humans aching to join the fight on our behalf. But we are stressed for time and the main road is well watched, thus we're here." Hale threw the handful of rot into the wind. "If this is your land, I'd need your permission to pass trough right?"