Theo sat back into his seat and sighed. This work, though fun, was quite trying. He remembered the easier families that he destroyed and the simpler times of swords and sheilded instead of bombs and codes. His mind drifted off to the easier days, Kings and queens roaming the castle and slaves tending to the lands. His mind went wild with memories of bloodshed and plague, but it came to a stop when he heard her. The song, though faint due to distance, was clear in his mind. He would have none of that. He growled in agitation and got up from his seat, throwing open the door and stomping down the hallway. He couldn't get one moment of peace without some [i]bitch[/i] getting in the way? Theo threw open the prison door as if it were the lightest thing to grace his hand. He stomped over to her and slapped her. Hard. Shoving the gag back into her mouth, he growled "I gave you food and this is how you repay me?! You ungrateful little bitch!"